Tuesday, September 6, 2011

september post, penganggur berjaya.

haaa.. another post. haha!
huih! by this time, dah pun raya, n ak dah hbs praktikal. dugaan puasa, setel, dugaan praktikal dah setel. so, unofficially aku lah penganggur terbaek!

Alhamdulillah, sgala nya takde la berjalan seperti apa yg aku inginkan, tapi, ia tetap berjalan. syukur.
if there is no problemo supremo, InsyaAllah, graduation will be at the end of this year.

So, it's September aint it? wow, cepat je dah nk akhir tahun kaan. the industrial training ended just before Ramadhan came. that was sure close. bersyukur sangat pasal sedikit lagi aku akan habiskan degree aku di unisel.
Oh! anyway, unisel sekarang dah ada nama baru!

it is now, Universiti Selangor (old name : Universiti Industri Selangor)
but still, singkatan dia sama je. unisel. with! a new colour. orange is everywhere!
the shah alam campus turns orange a year ago. tinggal BJ campus je. we'll see if it turns orange. hehe.

habis je praktikal (industrial training), kira habis lah degree aku. selepas setel urusan dgn unit akademik n konvo, setel la kot. InsyaAllah... harap2 xde laaa masalah2 ak yg pelik2. uncle MARA dh bayarkan yuran. heee.

well, just updating a post, and will be back on some topics perhaps.

May Allah always be with us all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

blogging again


this post being written somewhere in Serdang during my practical training at UPM.

so... here I am.. back on my own blog (new address blog~)
at this point, I am a little dizzy and in my practical session for this the last semester of my degree studies.

yeah. it is a looong period between my blog post before and this blog post.. it is.

so, to update. I am now doing my practical studies at Faculty of Medicine UPM (in pharmacology lab)
don't get it wrong... I not in this medicine field. I am doing my practical research more in pharmacological field.
(it is not my destiny to be in the medic field perhaps..)
so, that is all for the update.

the practical training is great to be looking forward through as it is a new field of my own studies.
Biotechnology and pharmacology are related but the approach of biotech is only a little bit of the pharmacology field.
so, I guess I have to learn more on pharmaco and medical microbiology as it should be helping me a lot.

daun tapak kuda (the subject of my miniproject)

the laboratory...

It'll b great if i can share with all of u what am I been doing in this research.
I'll post more after this. :)

may Allah always be with us all... always..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's the first post after the blog problem.

ok guys, I'll be writing here. and will be writing if i want.
(korang tahu r ak nk buat post blog pun kemain malas)


so, as my life goes on... 2011 aite? (dah february dah pun..)
2011 is just an adventurous year. I'll be heading to a new phase in anything. new age, new year, new in all of it..

this is my 3rd year of studying in Biotech studies. as this post been writing, it is my final sem of studies before i go for my practical training.
(hopefully I'll get good grades in this final sem... AMINNN...)

It's almost final exam actually, just finish the marvellous VIVA presentation.
(the final year project presentation for biotech student)

then, next week will be having :
2 presentation, 2 test, and... the list goes on. assignments??? wallahualam...
I just hope it will be readied on time. ;)

did I just say about 2011 will be challenging? it is. and my practical training is on the April but none of the company replied yet.

Ya Allah... please.. I need the patience, the courage and the heart. please help me through all this.

I hope i can be posting the next blog post with a great smile of satisfaction in my face.
may Allah and the force be with us all. (^^)

p/s : do pray for me guys. may I can get through all this in succession. amin.

new blog address. blogging back. (perhaps)

so, here I am with a new blog url. it is now :

just added the "sengkang"
(sengal punya blog, ada org letak malware. cam hampeh je menyusahkan aku)

I'll be as usual. a decent blogger. still not an active one.
nothing much. just to keep my friends in touch. just say hello if u cross by my blog.

may Allah and the force be with us all. amin.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sister's birthday wish.

(adik ke-3)
15/9 (so, u r 12 now) (^^)

whatever comes on ur way. get it away! (^^)

adik2 ku dah membesar. its been a while. Im in my 20s, adik2 in their 10s..
wow. kejap je rasa.

life it is... like an ice cream... :)
get the taste while it is not melting. (^^)

*hadiah along bagi lambat skit. uncang duit xmakan and minum lagi~ (^^)

a break and I'm bending it till break

finally. a break a sem break. (for a while)
*xpe fauzi.... sekejap je ni. kang ko keluar U, ko tahu la apa makna xde sem break
(monolog dalaman~)


so, I'm home. packing things. with miserable life there at Bestari Jaya.
with a not-so-good results for the sem. damn it.
I just can't believe it.
well. back on track. (malas nak ungkit~)

di rumah. minggu ni sambut aidiladha. lama xjumpa adik beradik and parents. a little reunion.

back to the story.
many things really happen in the not-so-sembreak ..
well, many things, many words, many "perangai manusia"... bla bla bla. many of it.
seems like... I might think back.. "did I ever see the reality?"

u see...
I see a human, is a human.. (of course it is~)
perangai? never thought it would be like it. :)
biasa lah, aku pun ada perangai sendiri gak kan.
but, sometimes, a "perangai" seems not really suits me at all. can I say it is a "kebiasaan"?
I don't know... hmm.... a "kepentingan diri"? I don't know.
but either way. I can't seems to be myself. damn it I don't like it.
I just love to be tolerate. but... does it worth? maybe. sometimes.

I myself had my own clumsiness and "perangai".
ok fauzi. ur turn.


kawan : ko "baik" sangat pojie... -.-"

I just cant... sometimes. I just cant. . . stand.

well, I'll stand by myself.

-May Allah and the force be with us all.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

habis awal atau lambat.

still manage to re-arrange my files and doc also notes yang berterabo masa sem lepas.
(every early sem break, inilah kerje aku. balik rumah, susun nota2 yang lepas2 compile dalam satu file... tu pun last 2 sem dah xbrape nak compile sangat pasal kekurangan rajin~)

so, back to my hometown
(gaya cam kampung je kan, padahal shah alam yg tgh pesat ni~)
1 sem ak blah ke Bestari Jaya, macam2 mende dah naik kat sini. mydin baru lah, jakel makin bertambah2 kedai dan pintunya. kat kawasan bintang hypermarket tu dah macam pusat bandar shah alam yang ke-2. haish.
(sejak dari raya hari tu dah jam macam tu dah~)
either way, bdk2 uitm ramai. confirm jam.
ak xfaham pembangunan shah alam skrg. gila xmanage langsung.
bdk2 taman xd lagi. masing2 jauh. semua xbalik lagi. memandangkan ak je yang study unisel kat taman aku .. so, ak balik kejap pun. jumpe parents2 mereka je lah.
(terbiasa panggil "bdk taman" coz shah alam punye seksyen 7, besar gila. taman sri andalas dulu pun xbesar macam ni) (^^)

xpe lah. aku balik umah pun kejap2 je ni. thesis lagi nk kene settle. so, xde masalah sgt diorang xde. ada gak balas2 mesej kat YM & FB. nant weekend bila2 aku jumpa la tu. ;)
aku tgk2kan parents korang je kat sini. :)

entah bagaimana, bila parents bertemu parents @ aku bertemu parents member2. mesti soalan sama yang ditanya. "ni fahmi bila nak habis study ni?"
bukan menyampah dgn soalan tu. x...
tapi, aku faham sgt parents nak anak2 dia habis study cepat2. kerja, tolong mereka bla..bla..bla..
(I'm a family man, I know the feelings~) :P
then, soalan2 yang macam memperlekehkan.. (xnak mention soalan tu)
sometimes, bkn kena pada aku. pada kawan2 lain...
ada2 parents, mereka faham. ada2 parents.. cant be tolerate with it.

but then....

bukan parents sahaja ada mentaliti macam tu. kawan2 pun sama.. ;)

"ko bila habis?"
"asal ko xamek degree terus? ko dari foundation kan?"
"asal ko amek sijil? amek la dip terus"
"asal ko kerje dulu? xnak stdy?"

soalan2 macam tu keluar. tanye kawan2 lain macam tu.
sometimes. bila kita letak diri di tempat orang lain...
then we know why they do it~ :)
ada kawan2 kita bkn ada kewangan yg mencukupi nak stdy tinggi2 terus.
ada kawan2 kita, nk bermula dari bawah. mungkin mereka tidak punya keberanian nak pergi jauh dahulu dan bermula dari merangkak dan berjalan.
kayuh sikit2 kan. :)
ada kawan2 kita, lalu jalan gelap dulu. BETUL. memang salah mereka. tapi, bila mereka sedari. Ia juga kesedaran mereka.

the biggest lesson in life is to FALL first.

i guess I'm getting to learn more of that quote.
(someone had told me the quote in a different sentence. but rephrasing back is not a sin. it still have a same meaning. )

but then, sape nak jatuh kaaan. :)
sape2 pun xnak jatuh. tapi skali jatuh... mesti xnak jatuh lagi kan. :)

not blaming parents to have that mind. & not blaming friends to have that. :)
but then, kene faham kot.. maybe..
believe me..

u can make a people die and be like a walking skeleton just by torturing them morally and spiritually. the more u blame or make them feel bad. the less "life span in their mentality" they got....

result :
-a man that learn from just sijil.. naik ke dip.. naik ke degree.. is now 1 of the supporting engineer in a car factory.
-dari foundation, turun sijil.... naik balik dip.. degree.. is now one of the acc in a big bank.
-jatuh dari dip. kerje terus... makan gaji dulu. then is now making its own electrical business.

how's that for a lesson? :)

kawan 1 : kita belajar dari kehidupan pojie.. kadang2, orang mencemuh. jatuh kene cemuh. bangun pun kene cemuh. berjaya. dengki lak kang.
aku : betul... nak buat macam mana. mulut orang akan sentiasa bercakap. nak xnak, kita manusia. xbanyak pun.. skiiit lah.. mesti kita termakan punye cakap diorang. susah maw cari orang supportive skrg.
kawan 1 : yang penting, diri kita kan... kadang2, orang sekeliling xcemuh pun. nak bagi kita jalan. dah kita degil. mcm mana nak belajar.
aku : betul. can't deny it... ;)

may Allah and the force be with us all... (^^)