Saturday, July 31, 2010

the wishlist.

I have many things queued in my wishlist.
it is not what i need, but it is just what I want. ahuh...

I want those things.. .. . .
one of them is this:

Nikon D90

ouh my.. I really wanted it.
hopefully maybe my father can give me one.
(sambil buat mata ikhlas berair-air~)


Friday, July 30, 2010

the alternatives

I am preferring blogspot as my main blog. but, sometimes,
it's easier to post short and meaningful post on tumblr.

as tumblr is like a "social + web-blog website" type, so it's like a great concept that I've been seeing into. sharing great pictures and short inspiring words.

hopefully to get to know the website more.

may Allah and the force be with us all. :)

the progress to a research plan

product development.

set in mind. this thesis is for product development.
come on. i just need some guide. where is it.
(pojie.. come on..harder and smarter la macha~)

key point :
1. ulam-ulaman tradisional malaysia.
2. jus sayur.
3. scientific juice clarification process
4. previous journals.
5. etc... :P

may Allah and the force be with us all... ;)

member kaaan.

as the life and the journey throughout the life go on, many things happen
(of course. ko ni pojie, ayat lapuk je~)
*ok, back to the topic.* :P

eksperimen : mengenali perangai manusia dengan lebih mendalam. :D

hipotesis 1 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin senang lah kita
kerana kita berkawan dengan ramai orang
hipotesis 2 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin bertambah lah
masalah kita.
hipotesis 3 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin nampak lah kita
akan kelemahan dan kekurangan diri kita sendiri.
hipotesis 4 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin sakit hati kita.

bahan dan radas:
hanya manusia. :D

kaedah :
bergantung kepada keadaan.

literature review:

kawan 1 :
weh... apsal budak tu? xboleh buat kerje sendiri ke? sume nak harap orang je?
aku :
ntah laa.. :) (senyum walaupun hati membara juga melihat nya~ )

kawan 2 :
weh, ak xtahan la dgn perangai dia tu. ak nk cakap tak, kawan aku. kang
kecik hati... xpayah la bla bla bla bla.
aku :
ada cara dia. jgn terlalu
fikir "pasal dia kawan ko sgt" kang dia makin jadi2. huu~

kawan 3 :
ko th la kan bdk2 tu pojie.. bla bla bla bla bla. ak xth lah.
aku :
dah ko th mcm tu, yg ko layan apsal?
kawan 3 :
diorg perempuan la pojie, ak kesian diorg je.
aku :
dah tu, dia pergunakan ko pun ko xksah? awak tu dah jadi macam teksi
dah. pergi kelas pun lambat. pastu nak bising2 kat aku ko pergi kelas
lambat lagi dari aku.
kawan 3 :
ntah la poji..
aku :
suka hati kau lah. ko mmg pantang org flirt skit. xpe, ak faham... :)
kawan 3:

kawan 4 :
poji, ak xth dah mcam mana nk tgur. kang tgur, sentap plak. kang cakap
ak apa lak.
aku :
ntah laa.. kalau ak, ak tgur je. ko th la mulut ak.
kawan 4 :
ak xmacam ko..
aku :

aku n friends :
bla bla bla bla (sambil bercerita pasal seseorg)
kawan 5 :
ko jgn gelak2 kan dia blh. dia baik lah. ko apa tahu pasal dia?
kawan 6 :
ko pesal lak nk backing dia ni?
aku :
yelah, dah hari2 tumpangkan dia sampai dia pun ntah kerje dia jalan ke tak ntah.
mana ko xbacking.
kawan 5 :
ko xfaham. ko nk ikut kepala ko je kan. ko suka kenekan dia.
kawan 7 :
xpe lah. ak blh je ikut kepala dia. tp ak bukan jenis semua
perempuan ak nk rembat.
kawan 5 :
korg memang.
aku :
.. . . . . . . . . . . (sape yg ikut sape ntah skrg.. huu~)

keputusan eksperimen dan kesimpulan ?
u judge it urself. :)

*tiada maksud untuk menyakiti dalam apa2 bentuk cara pun, antara yang mana2 mikroorganisma juga makroorganisma di dalam dunia ini. cuma peringatan kepada diri atas apa yang berlaku pada aku~*

aku :
aku xth lah der, ak xde lah perfect sangat. ak kalau salah aku slalu
mintak orang tegur. tapi, aku cube perbaiki diri sendiri dari semasa ek
semasa. tapi, bila ak nampak, ak cube tegur. dalam masa yg sama, ak
th, ak byk lagi perlu diperbaiki. kawan2 kaaan. ak cube.
kawan 8 :
ntah la pojie. ko bercakap dengan manusia. kalau dgn robot, lain laaah.
kawan 9 :
xpe poji, bek kita baikkan diri kita dulu. ak lagi suka hipotesis ke-3 ko.
aku :
mungkin... mungkin.. :)

May Allah and the force be with us all.

Monday, July 26, 2010

a kampung life in a terrace house on an adaption of campus life in it.

what a title.

after a month and a few days, I've survived here. (of course I am, if not I'm not posting this~)

I have neither surviving issues nor adapting issues in this campus. including my roommates.
(coz he's been here for foundation studies.)
this place is JUST NICE for me. suits me well.
hostel life for 6 years (secondary school+matriculation studies) seems make me immune on anything happen at any condition
just a little issues on money management. (common problem for a university student like me~)
back in shah alam, the issues still hitting me... and I'm not suprise if it's hitting me quiet great this time. ( more cautious.. come on fauzi! yeah! )

ouh well. here I am. in my room at my terrace house.
Helloooooo world ! (^^)V

as the studies for the semester is getting more challenging+the thesis that quite make me work more..... I think the mind set and the way of anything in myself should change.
some on... you are a final year student fauzi! :)

if you have any to share with me on way of studying smarter and notes on vegetable juice especially on ulam ulaman. (cause that is what my thesis basically are~)
do post a link to me.
really really really need it.

(this post is basically for self-motivation)

p/s : i've discovered one thing about blog. if you try reading your own blog. it seems like..
you'll be motivated or think something like..
"who wrote this? it's kinda funny" @ "ouh.. is this who I am? I should change"

until next time.
May Allah and the force be with us all


Saturday, July 24, 2010

The final year of biotechnology. start at your own risk.

title post nak gempak.. ;P

believe me. it's my post... and deep inside, you don't know how miserable and uncontrollable my feelings are bila dah masuk final year (>.<)

ahaha. xde lah apa pun. nak buat thesis dah kan. 2 sem more and i'm off to go to practical @industrial training.
voila! :P

so, the subject for the 6th semester:
1. Bioreactor and Bioprocessing
2. Fermentation technology
3. Food Microbiology
4. Biostatistics
5. Scientific Communication
6. Thesis

I'll elaborate it later.. in my next and next post.
do pray for me my friends. I hope to settle this all out. I'll be giving all my guts to it.
hopefully. really2. :)

May Allah and the force be with us all... amin.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The last sem break..

who cares, it's an awesome sem break. :)
slalu, bila sem break..
dok umah+helping out parents activity+guru sambilan sementara(ajar adik2)+tgk tv+hang out+ balik kampung
not to say it's not a great and good routine for a sem break, IT IS... IT REALLY IS.
but this time, there is more value added in my sem break! breaking the routine a bit..

the last semester break was kinda awesome! ;D

2 minggu pertama, menghabiskan masa di rumah..
(dah lama x menetap kat umah an, asyik kuar pagi balik malam je~ menetap la jap~)

then, early june...
an unexpected last minute plan to my classmate wedding. :D

lawak gila.
as being planned,ada gak la satu troop nk datang serbu ke perlis,sekali yang pergi,berapa kerat je. (tu pun naseb baek lepas dgn parents aku~)
the starter seems soo blur sampai ak dah ingat macam ak dgn din (budak kelas aku~) je yg nak pergi~ gila lah. (>.<)
lepas sorg, sorg tarik diri. the plan seems soo ruined
anyway, it's ok guys, cuti sem an, PERLIS lak tu umah member kita. jauh an. ;)
tapi, worth travelling okay. loads of memories. sangat2 banyak!
(rugi korang xikut aku yg menjadi mastermind for the plan!)

the trip begin. aku+angah(adik aku)+din.
shah alam - kangar.

angah: pak njang, ktorg nk sampai dah ni.
pak njang: okeh, pas pak njang hantar amar g sklh, pank njang dtg.

awal2 pagi ktorg sampai alor setar.
memandangkan pemandu itu sgt berhemah, ada gak r dlm 7jam sampai alor setar. :P
sampai habis bateri walkman ak dgr lagu dalam bas...
destinasi pertama: kampung halamanku~
agak lama dah xjejak kampung kat kedah. memandangkan xd sape2 dah kat kmpg except mak ngah n pak njang, so, ada gak dlm setahun lebih xjejak kedah. jauh an...
pekena roti canai awal2 pagi. (pergh~ akhirnya, roti canai non-mamak yg sedap... )
ahaha. memandangkan kat shah alam bukan men susah nak cari roti canai sedap, memang agak heaven kami menala sarapan yg ada~
(n fyi, the price.... makan utk 10 org kat sini pun, ak sanggup bayar~murah dow.. price still xeffect. kampung an~)

so, tghari tu, kasi lentok skit sampai ptg.
sedap plak tido kaan. petang, lepak tepi sawah padi.
loads and loads of stories to be talk with abg ngah (anak mak ngah~)
memandangkan dia je sorg anak lelaki yg ada. so, he's the one yg sgt2 banyak take good care of mak ngah dan sedara2 yang dekat kat situ.

angin sawah padi layan gile. jiwa habis. :)

well, it's been a while since xbalik an. sedih je bila dapat tahu, beberapa sad news pasal ada beberapa orang2 kmpg dah xde.. well, what can i say. Al-Fatihah.
sedara2 pun jarang jumpe kat kedah ni. masing2 jumpe setahun skali. tu pun kalau balik raya. ahuh.
i think, it's now up to the new generation to decide the future of the kampung. one day, ak mest nak balik kampung ni gak. :)

4.6.2010, Jumaat.
pagi yg sgt sejuk...! best gile lah weh! gigil ak mandi . ;D
tghari pergi smbhyg jumaat. petang.. mengait mempelam! yeah! :)
gile best. rasa2, kalau ikutkan hati mak ngah, sume yg ada dia nak suruh kait.
mempelam, kelapa, nasib baik padi xleh makan on the spot.
(masing2 nak cube mengait mempelam, sampai tercabut jaring pengait tu~)

din mengait. (jgn pertikai ketinggian dia. faham2 r) :P

pengait tercabut. :D

gelagat org bandar takik kelapa nak minum airnya?
priceless~ lawak gila! masing2 tahu mintak air kelapa, dapat dalam cawan. skali kene buat sendiri.... abg ngah dok jauh2 je kaaan. takut parang makan tuan. :P
ahahaha! (nobody's injured at the scene of the incident~)
sampai ke maghrib. malam tu, borak2 dgn makngah, pergi makan chapati kat warung kat kmpg.
really have a great quality time dengan family mak ngah. ;)

esok petang nya, baru kami bertolak ke santan, perlis
(umah faten a.k.a. pengantin perempuan a.k.a. member ktorg)
petang tu akad nikah, malam tu ada majlis +adat istiadat polis
(faten sanding dgn abg dia=pegawai polis)
have a really good time.
ak, din, angah, icey,aji, ika (seremban),bell and ika(penang) je yg dapat hadir malam tu.

majlis akad nikah

faten bagi ktorg dok kat homestay for 2 days and a night. thanks faten!
lawak gile. buat mcm rumah sendri plak an. :P

majlis persandingan. :)

the next day, petang tu, balik kampung kedah. and my family pun sampai kedah at the same time. ;)
jumpe balik. n then, ktorg balik keesokan harinya.
kangar - shah alam

it's been really a fun interesting sem break. it's more than this. tapi, just nak highlight yang tu coz sangat2 menarik. ;)
jarang ktorg dua beradik (aku+angah) dapat plan trip jauh2 macam ni. ;D

anyway, to faten najwa :

may Allah and the force be with us all


Friday, July 16, 2010

The Campus~ Bestari Jaya.

Housemate 1 : bro! bila maw sampai ni. ak sampai dgn family aku dalam pukul 2 lebih.
me : ak patut sampai awal lor. ni jalan meru traffic lorry jam lak ai. (sempat menaip mesej pasal 40 km/j)

*setibanya di rumah sewa*

me : ahhh.. lega gile. sampai pun. mana bdk2 lain?
housemate 1 : ntah laa.. still xdapat terima kenyataan tukar kampus lg kot.. biasa lah. memory
banyak kat kampus shah alam kan.
me : ahahaha. ni kes mengada nak orang tersayang temankan ke kampus baru ni.. bkn kes xdpt terima kenyataan.. :P ahahaha

so here I am, Bestari Jaya campus, Universiti Industri Selangor. Bestari Jaya a.k.a. Batang Berjuntai. :D

as long as I remember, it is the first conversation I had with one of my house mate setibanya di rumah sewa. here I am. Bestari Jaya campus. UNISEL. just nice.
new campus, hoping for a new +ve way in everything. (hopefully~)

as this post being posted, I am maybe about a month old living here in BJ campus. :P
anyway, I'll be updating more on it soon. (and the pictures too).

being in this campus, just make me feel like.. nostalgic. (walaupun roomate ak cakap bende yg sama gak)

roomate : pergh.. gile ah.. nostalgic gile ak masuk BJ campus balik~ (pasal dia foundation kat BJ dulu~)

hostel life... mrsm.. just nice. macam dulu, dok hostel, ulang alik kelas, da crowd.
no wonder i'm like adapting well just after a few days. :)

for your information, unisel consist of two campuses. one in shah alam and one in bestari jaya (btg berjuntai).
i've been transferred to BJ campus as the faculty had been shifted fully from shah alam to BJ.

the two campuses have its own uniqueness and weaknesses (biasa la tu kan~)
memandangkan kampus shah alam berlokasi di tgh2 bandar shah alam, jadi, the campus life seems soo blur and unclear. but the students, dah blh cam dah ko bdk unisel ke x. coz the campus is quite small.
as for BJ campus, the campus life is there. the students, the crowd, the study environment (sometimes~) :P
and that is a campus. but, the locations... bestari jaya. ahahaha.
i'm just hoping my positive mind is still in me until the end of my studies. :)
for the sake of knowledge i guess.

I miss my old campus... and i'm quite not disappointed with this new campus of mine.
as for today, that's all maybe. I'll be updating. InsyaAllah..

may Allah and the force be with us all.. always~ :)