As i promise ejat! 1 month. hehe! after 1 month I will write another post. this is it! haha! (plus minus 1 month lor..) =P
hmmm... actually, it is about 2 weeks after my final semester 1 examination when this post is written...
Warkh! I am really pissed off! Is this a University life? (MasyaAllah..)
The paper is quite tricky and the question is just "nice", for me. =P
that is the first think that cross my mind, and what I need the most after this for the next 3 years.. The word cross my mind just after I finish my last paper (Cell & Molecular Biology).
Maybe I need more time to change my ways of study. =) Hmm.. Hope I got a good CGPA.. (kinda scared actually)
Whatever.. as my friends said, WELCOME TO CAMPUS LIFE BRO! =)
forget about it! It's holiday!!
relax.. release... No tension... =)
but, actually... I miss my friends.. all of them! old friends, and new friends that cheer me up and make my campus life rock! (YEAH!)
(hey dorm mates! i miss you all dude! really!)
especially din, iqbal, faqeem, alai, shadow, ajim, reza, and all the 4B and 6B people!
I have a great time with you all! =)
(AMP Studio, pindah kat mana pas ni woi? ) =P

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