Ya Allah.. malasnye nak update blog..
I just doesn't have a really good time to update it..
asal ada masa, aku ada kerje, klu xd kerje, ak xd mood nak menulis.. hee~
ok.. so, i'll make use of all the time that i had..
Oh, my precious time..
ok, as this blog goes on.. live in this virtual reality world, lots and lots of people had been following this blog and read all the stuff in it. And now, almost all the UNISELian read it also. haha~
(including Pn. Aisyah, HEP head of department)
she always make fun of me in every post that i write..
Although I am one of the Student Representative Council, i don't think i should stop this informal writing blog (this is what i am). Although ur being on the top, that doesn't mean that u need to do something drastic or hypocrite to impress people. like it or not, this is me...
Terendakians always known me for these words that i always write when i was in college.
"I am what I am (Aku tetap aku)"
so, i guess i'll stick to it till now~
heee... with the statement, it doesn't mean that i am selfish or bla bla bla..
just think of myself la, bla bla bla...
haha.. InsyaAllah.. i am not that kinda guy.. (Nauzubillah~)
(as a leader, non of ur decision will get a praise from all...)
like it or not, smthng must be done to fix smthng...
ok, I am one of the SRC and I am also a student, so, this semester, 4 of my subjects is a 4 credit hours subjects. it means that, it is kinda tough subject to be learn. (also a 3 hours class throughout the week...)
pelik gila, semester ni kelas microbiology and biochemistry,
lecture is on the same day.... (itu boleh tahan lagi..)
pagi dan petang... (boleh tahan lagi...)
pagi, biochem, 3 hours..petang, microb, 3 hours... (that's not a good news..)
bukan apa, skali 3 jam kot... 2 kali lak 2..
why not buat macam 1st sem dulu, kelas 2 jam, pastu, esok kelas sejam lagi..
just nice... masuk skit apa yang diorg cakap...
I can't remember where i read this psychology knowledge..
it says that, students usually will concentrate in class about the first 30 minutes, and then the minds will go somewhere else..
(maybe the research is right..)
this what happen in my 2nd biochem class...
Starting of the class.. everyone's concentrating.. =P
In the middle of it.. less than 1 hour.. adib tumbang.. (i think dalam 10 orang gak tumbang.)
everyone's happy when lecturer said, "ok, that's all for today" (ayat 2 keramat gila~)
hahaha~ lawak gila...
back 2 weeks before, i've met one of my friend yang study di America..
we talk about many things and bla bla bla.. nant la cerita apa yang lain ktorg cakap~
(tinggal negara orang kan, aku kat sini je, so, macam kagum gak r kan.. hahaha!)
"Ko kelas sampai 3 jam??? aku dgn ko kelas kat maktab dulu sejam pun dah ngantuk gila mcm org mabuk, ni ko lak dapat 3 jam masa kat U??"
aku gelak je.. ahha~
so? is it relevent??
maybe our country just seen all this psychological view of something macam..
alaa... bende ni semua karut...
in reality, psychological really have it own sense and sangat2 besar pengaruh dalam hidup kita.. =)
ok.. that's it for now...
may Allah and the force be with U~

Ya Allah.. malasnye nak update blog..
I just doesn't have a really good time to update it..
asal ada masa, aku ada kerje, klu xd kerje, ak xd mood nak menulis.. hee~
ok.. so, i'll make use of all the time that i had..
Oh, my precious time..
ok, as this blog goes on.. live in this virtual reality world, lots and lots of people had been following this blog and read all the stuff in it. And now, almost all the UNISELian read it also. haha~
(including Pn. Aisyah, HEP head of department)
she always make fun of me in every post that i write..
Although I am one of the Student Representative Council, i don't think i should stop this informal writing blog (this is what i am). Although ur being on the top, that doesn't mean that u need to do something drastic or hypocrite to impress people. like it or not, this is me...
Terendakians always known me for these words that i always write when i was in college.
"I am what I am (Aku tetap aku)"
so, i guess i'll stick to it till now~
heee... with the statement, it doesn't mean that i am selfish or bla bla bla..
just think of myself la, bla bla bla...
haha.. InsyaAllah.. i am not that kinda guy.. (Nauzubillah~)
(as a leader, non of ur decision will get a praise from all...)
like it or not, smthng must be done to fix smthng...
ok, I am one of the SRC and I am also a student, so, this semester, 4 of my subjects is a 4 credit hours subjects. it means that, it is kinda tough subject to be learn. (also a 3 hours class throughout the week...)
pelik gila, semester ni kelas microbiology and biochemistry,
lecture is on the same day.... (itu boleh tahan lagi..)
pagi dan petang... (boleh tahan lagi...)
pagi, biochem, 3 hours..petang, microb, 3 hours... (that's not a good news..)
bukan apa, skali 3 jam kot... 2 kali lak 2..
why not buat macam 1st sem dulu, kelas 2 jam, pastu, esok kelas sejam lagi..
just nice... masuk skit apa yang diorg cakap...
I can't remember where i read this psychology knowledge..
it says that, students usually will concentrate in class about the first 30 minutes, and then the minds will go somewhere else..
(maybe the research is right..)
this what happen in my 2nd biochem class...


hahaha~ lawak gila...
back 2 weeks before, i've met one of my friend yang study di America..
we talk about many things and bla bla bla.. nant la cerita apa yang lain ktorg cakap~
(tinggal negara orang kan, aku kat sini je, so, macam kagum gak r kan.. hahaha!)
"Ko kelas sampai 3 jam??? aku dgn ko kelas kat maktab dulu sejam pun dah ngantuk gila mcm org mabuk, ni ko lak dapat 3 jam masa kat U??"
aku gelak je.. ahha~
so? is it relevent??
maybe our country just seen all this psychological view of something macam..
alaa... bende ni semua karut...
in reality, psychological really have it own sense and sangat2 besar pengaruh dalam hidup kita.. =)
ok.. that's it for now...
may Allah and the force be with U~
tp ko ttp xleh lwn ak pojie..ak replacement economy class dr 8 smpi 3 kot..!!ak dtg kul 8.30,pki sweater tdo smpi kul 12..blik blur..attendance penuh..ha3..ko jmp spe??ganu??ak ttp ak..3 line ttp xtnggl..idop SAMTAK!!ahakz!!
ReplyDeleteaku jumpe abdul hanis a.k.a. badut~
8 sampai 3ptg????
gile apa???
6 jam??
nonsense dow!
apa ko belajar bai??
poyo r x tido dlm lecture
ReplyDeletebnyk..cmne nk tdo dgn snyp..cmne nk ajar org sign ak..ha3..tp kls tu mmg hampeh sket..so,kesimpulannye,ak lg hebat..HAMSAP!!!ha3
perasan tol ko hebat~
ak tahu r ko number 8 kan~
Ami: hehe... kalau mood ak xok, exhausted gile, mmg ak terlentok gak dow. hee~
poji!aku ade gambar ko tido!hahahhah
ReplyDeletekantoi di situ :p
Azzy!!!! waaaa!
ReplyDeleteye ker??!! azzy jaat! curi2 mengambil gambar encem ku tgh tdo~\
Hehehe saje nak sakat! Yr blogging is gud n real. Go on and enjoy being just yourself coz still, honesty is the best policy. But being SRC kena tambah lagi - passionate, authentic, credible, ethical,lateral thinker, optimistic, goal achiever... (the list goes on and on)