Ini dah sebulan lepas Syawal dah neh. bukan 2,3 hari pas Syawal.. huu~
Not much i wanna talk about my Syawal this year. it is maybe the Syawal as it goes by and with its own uniqueness and its happiness.
the thing dat make this Syawal really memorable is this is the first Syawal that I'm being busy with an events. (Acting as a Program Director)
trying to make a such an "open house" to a University is one good lucky shot..
(lucky lah sangat~)
ok, as the management xnak buat open house for the students, so, mpp la buat kan~ =P
I've been given a task to get a team to make this open house happen..
I'll take it. =)
altthough i risk it.
so, i've been talking abpout this program since 2, 3 post sebelum ni..
(ok, let me guess..... mesti korang cakap, peduli apa aku dengan progress program, janji ak dapat makan free~)
hee! kidding... =p
"Gemilang Raya Aidilfitri 2009"
The names being given by me, myself..
so, Alhamdulillah..
the crowd... aku rasa macam ramai gila kot budak UNISEL Shah Alam turun!
one of the staff from HEP yang hadir smpai dah naik cuak dah pasal limpahan pelajar yang datang.
(HEP staff: i've never seen a program with this turn up from the students.. ramai datang!)
(sape xnak makan free kan~=P )
Alhamdulillah again, the program berjalan lancar di hadapan.
biasa la 2, belakang mest kecoh2 skit... tp, to round up, everyone's happy.
more +ve response than -ve response.
so, i take it as a success


Thanx to all da Raya Crew team for making it a success...
(no hard feelings ok, we all learn from mistakes~)
Thanx to all da sponsors, HEP and UNISEL managements for supporting.
Salam kemaafan dari pengarah program~ =)
Salam dari Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UNISEL Shah Alam~
p/s: kepada crew, ak harap sume dah dapat duit claim korang.. heee!
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