After a few months
(lama kot dah xupdate.. ahahaha. xd mood menulis laa~).
i've had my semester break now 4 about 3-4 weeks (not much). unisel mmg cam2. cuti xlama. but i think ipts sume mmg cam2 kot. it's ok, as long as there is break. it is just nice~ =)
first of all, i wanted to say sorry to all da MPP's.. i am really2 sorry. I can't go to BJ campus to attend da Gerak Terakhir course... and i didn't inform or any. i'm really2 sorry.. i've been really clumsy in my work sejak dua menjak ni.. =( I can't go because my family need me more here as I have to.. I have to be here. sorry~ ~.~
semester 4, CHECK! (yakin je aku neh...hee..)
I don't think I'm performing well 4 this semester. with all da things that happened all da way..
"Ya Allah, tolong aku hadapi idop ini dgn tabah nye~ AMIN~" =)
well, semester 4 is a packed one. ok, da subject, all new...
when it goes 2 sem 4 (means da 1st sem of da 2nd year), we started to learn new and advanced subject in biotechnology (referring to my background studies b4, all f it is new~).
microbiology, biochemistry, problem solving algorithm(this one is da killer~), entrepreneurship, islamic studies....

I've always manage my time with da MPP's work and others stuff strategically (although it is sometimes hard to manage, but i try~) , but this sem, it is jammed packed full with stuffsss..
it is not as what had been planned.
the activities, the things been settled, the work, the letter, the conspiracies, the campus politics, the students.
oh my...
but i manage to get some friends to help a bit (they help a lot actually!)
Thanks classmates, u are really2 helpful... =)
as they say,
" A friend in need is a friend indeed!"
Indeed they are. i'm really2 appreciating all da help. not once i'll forget it.. thanks all..
May our teamwork in getting all da stuff and snd studies together will achieve a good result in this sem (final result kuar dalam minggu dpn kot!)
* IC tahu lapar tym stdy je, perg mkn aym tandoori~ haha!
Exam week is really2 stressful yet enjoyable. (u know why~)
dah la gap antara paper lama... agak lega,
tp lama kot~ makin lama, makin risau ak~
it' ok~ dah lepas dah kan~ =)
so, it's holiday. but, it is a new assignment more in da house.
me: heee... pergi lah korang. i rather dok kat rumah ni dulu. they need me, ada masa, aku kuar la...
In whatever u do, may Allah and the force be with u~ Always~=)

(lama kot dah xupdate.. ahahaha. xd mood menulis laa~).
i've had my semester break now 4 about 3-4 weeks (not much). unisel mmg cam2. cuti xlama. but i think ipts sume mmg cam2 kot. it's ok, as long as there is break. it is just nice~ =)
first of all, i wanted to say sorry to all da MPP's.. i am really2 sorry. I can't go to BJ campus to attend da Gerak Terakhir course... and i didn't inform or any. i'm really2 sorry.. i've been really clumsy in my work sejak dua menjak ni.. =( I can't go because my family need me more here as I have to.. I have to be here. sorry~ ~.~
semester 4, CHECK! (yakin je aku neh...hee..)
I don't think I'm performing well 4 this semester. with all da things that happened all da way..
"Ya Allah, tolong aku hadapi idop ini dgn tabah nye~ AMIN~" =)
well, semester 4 is a packed one. ok, da subject, all new...
when it goes 2 sem 4 (means da 1st sem of da 2nd year), we started to learn new and advanced subject in biotechnology (referring to my background studies b4, all f it is new~).
microbiology, biochemistry, problem solving algorithm(this one is da killer~), entrepreneurship, islamic studies....

I've always manage my time with da MPP's work and others stuff strategically (although it is sometimes hard to manage, but i try~) , but this sem, it is jammed packed full with stuffsss..
it is not as what had been planned.
the activities, the things been settled, the work, the letter, the conspiracies, the campus politics, the students.
oh my...
but i manage to get some friends to help a bit (they help a lot actually!)
Thanks classmates, u are really2 helpful... =)
as they say,
" A friend in need is a friend indeed!"
Indeed they are. i'm really2 appreciating all da help. not once i'll forget it.. thanks all..
May our teamwork in getting all da stuff and snd studies together will achieve a good result in this sem (final result kuar dalam minggu dpn kot!)
* IC tahu lapar tym stdy je, perg mkn aym tandoori~ haha!
Exam week is really2 stressful yet enjoyable. (u know why~)
dah la gap antara paper lama... agak lega,
tp lama kot~ makin lama, makin risau ak~
it' ok~ dah lepas dah kan~ =)
so, it's holiday. but, it is a new assignment more in da house.
member 1: beb, ak nk g holiday je cuti ni. nak g t'ganu, pahang genting bla bla bla~
member 2: orang kat genting ni... ngee... vacation dgn family~
member 3: bro, jom perhentian. gonna b fun! ~.~
member 4: weh, xkan dok rmh je kot??
member 2: orang kat genting ni... ngee... vacation dgn family~
member 3: bro, jom perhentian. gonna b fun! ~.~
member 4: weh, xkan dok rmh je kot??
me: heee... pergi lah korang. i rather dok kat rumah ni dulu. they need me, ada masa, aku kuar la...
In whatever u do, may Allah and the force be with u~ Always~=)

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