Kinda hard to reply all those message in the chat box.. :D
ok guys, I hope you had followed my blog once you had opened it. (^^)
then, u'll see this post in ur dashboard. :D
amirul hazwan (ami) : How's Aussies my friend? I know u really2 miss me my boy. ahaha. weh2. any update from Australia? nk sambung master biotech kat sana boleh? (^^)
nomad melayu (arip) : weh2. ahaha. ak tahu r aku xrajin update an. relaks r. heee~ :D
farihah (e'ah) : thanks for reading e'ah.. hee... blog xcantik and xselalu update mcm e'ah. (^^)
hafizsidah : hi there bro. thanks for stopping by. ;)
nant saya baca blog bro.
ilyana hazlin (lin) : ahaha. thanks for following lin. nant kim salam pacat ye. ;D
abu al ghida (abu) : ahaha. thanks for reading abu. nant ak baca blog ko. wah! orang kuat HPA? (^^)
farahin (pa'in) : heee.. dah follow ur blog okeh.. heee... blog pain cantik! hee~ :)
rajin2 jenguk2 ye. :)
ieda: thanks. nant org tgk blog ieda ye. ;)
fidot : hey junior! ahaha. betul lah. ak lah kapten blok A time korang dulu. hehe (ak baik kan?)
nice to meet u back fidot. wah. kejap je an. ko kat UTP ea skrg? do keep in touch bro. (^^)
awatif : hi bdk unisel. hehe. can't recognize u much. thanks stopping by. (^^)
acezulex : korang laki bini ni... mana satu yg tgk blog ak ni? weh ace. cube separate skit account korang. cait. (^^)
ahaha. moga korang berbahagia ea. sape2 yg baca (ace @ zulex) kim salam lah pada yg sebaliknya~ :P
eyriqazz : huh??
farahim : ouh. bdk kelas matriks dulu kan? hee~ :)
etc : hee.. thanks for stopping by.
ahaha. (^^)
and that's the end of replying my chatbox. :D
May Allah and the force be with us all. AMIN.
ada sponsor bila leh datang sini ma.. hehe
ReplyDeleteahaha. sape? ko je sponsor gempak... mara sponsor ak xgempak mana pun. hee~
ReplyDeleteweh. ko bila nk habis kat sna?
ak tinggal setahun lg. :D
hehe pOji, klik dis link, n klik sume link dlm die. then u'll be understOod k;P
good idea of replying all those post in the chatbox!
ReplyDeletepa'in : i will. dah klik dah pun.. huish..
ReplyDeletepanas ny baca.. ahuh... kenapa ni pa'in??
sabar ye... susah r.. org skrg macam2.. aduh.. >.<
arip: ahahaha. digunakan khas untuk orang yang jarang meng"update" blog. :P