I've just online my FB this morning and I saw this post that Roger Federer share with his fan and friends.
Kinda interesting to put it as words of the day~
He says~
Having good support from coaches is important and they will help you lead the way. I know that it is a cliché, but there is no substitute for hard work and dedication. This is vital.
Dear Michael-Obviously, passion is key, coordination is important as well so to also mix in different sports is a good idea. But keep an eye on what you could improve physically already and see where your potential is so you can work on your weaker points for later in your game. I always thought having a long term goal is important as a junior.
I have not yet had a chance to play a match under the roof, but I am excited to do so in the future. The days of rain delays are now over!
He is a great and motivated man, don't u think??hehe~

then, I tried this quiz about "predicting ur personal behaviour by ur type of blood~
I'm an A blood!
So, it says that I am~
Untuk Fauzey Fahmiey memiliki golongan darah A, berikut ini penjelasannya :
- Berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool.
- Karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala.
- Sebelum melakukan sesuatu mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu. Dan merencanakan segala sesuatunya secara matang, sungguh-sungguh dan konsisten.
- Berusaha membuat diri mereka se wajar dan ideal mungkin.
- Kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang-orang.
- Mencoba menekan perasaan mereka dan karena sering melakukannya mereka terlihat tegar. Meskipun sebenarnya mereka mempunya sisi yang lembek seperti gugup dan lain sebagainya.
- Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tidak sependapat. Makanya mereka cenderung berada di sekitar orang-orang yang ber´temperamen´ (bersifat) sama.
some of it kinda "kena". I'll take it as a guide. For me, to get a brighter day and greater life also better experience all the day and my future undertakings~
May the Force and Allah be with all of us~
"Fauzey Skywalker"