Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Semester.. Short sem.. part 1~

setelah sekian lama...
(aku slalu cakap ayat 2 kat blog kan....)
nak wat camner ouh.. xd masa nak menulis.

sejak habis xm last sem.. (about a month ago..)
sampai ke hari ni baru aku nak tulis post baru. haha~

Menceritakan mengenai apa yang terjadi padaku sejak sebulan yang lalu..

-Aku baru saje dilantik menjadi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar untuk sesi 09/10 pada akhir julai
(if i'm not mistaken the date....)

(ada cam MPP ker aku neh?? )

giler berat ouh responsibilities. (one of da factor why this blog xd post~)
The responsibilities is really trying to kill me~
Wish me luck guys!

then... examination fever started about a month.... man...
Allah je taw apa jadik kat kepala aku time 2. adeh~

then.. cuti selama sebulan..
terpaksa dipendekkan sampai 2 minggu cuti coz aku kene prepare for orientation bdk2 baru intake Mei 3/2008/2009...

urgh~ what a job...
first time mengambil alih Majlis Tertinggi Fasilitator n actually, this is my 1st time in this program.. so... so.... exhausted...
melayan kerenah bdk2 baru... 1 hal dah.. memang sangat2 meletihkan...
biasa r.. di sini, intake Mei, biasa nya terdiri daripada golongan remaja2 lepasan SPM atau sambung degree dari dip. (about 17-22 years old laaa..)

Yang sambung dari dip, ok jer.
Campus life is just soo synonym to them...
Yang dari lepasan SPM masuk U trus neh..
(Dila jangan terasa taw. U ok jer. haha!)
Some of them feels like the campus is just like heaven. Damn~
U live in the campus, u must sacrifice dear junior... all the comfort u wanted is not there. the main point is u come to study and learn more. Not relax and Merdeka being far from yourparents (cam ayat poyo jerk~)
(i like to dedicate this ayat 2 myself too... kdg2 rasa cam dah hilang jerk aku neh~ hehe)

Ok, back to the orientation week. the juniors...
they all are really2 nice and cooperative. (I'm soo relieved~)
memandangkan ini first time asrama kampus shah alam dah dipindahkan ke luar dari kampus, so, there is a really tragically and unexpected things can happen. bak kata sorang fasi ni..
Just be prepare for the worst case scenario so we can prepare well.
Ok, ada gak dak2 escape dari orientasi. can't deny it. ramai kot nak kawal. naik pening aku.
Thanx juniors for being soo cooperative, sporting, nice, and great!

Hidup UNiSEL! hehe~

think 4 this post, xnak cakap byk pasal orientation week. I'll talk later in the next post. huih~ panjang kowt nak criter pahit manis~

New semester, new hope, new target.
naikkan pointer!!
naik lagi!
Jangan berpuas hati atas apa yang ko dah dapat fauzi fahmi! hee~!
Campus life must go on.
Let's put a smiile on your face... (hahaha!)
Face the truth, fight for what's right!
Short sem, High pointer! yeah!

More words at the next and next post....
May the force be with you.. And Allah also..

Lagu tema sem ni.
No Boundaries. (Kris Allen nye layan skit~)



  1. tahniah2...

    malangla spe yg jdk jr poji.. huhu..

    eyt bro!!! kapan ma blnja?????

  2. haha! hampeh nye elya~

    mana malang.. untung woo...
    abang poji baek giler taw~


    belanja?? ingat aje minah ni.


  3. woooo..
    gle la..
    MPP ek??

  4. hehe!
    wish me luck wani!

    aku jadik org bawah2 je. haha~

    doakan aku taw wani!


  5. mpp plng low profile...wakaka(puji x ikhlas)

    eleyh..wpun x nak bg adila trase..tp mmg nak trase gark...

  6. ceh! sengal nye dila~


    hehe! klu dah terasa, nak wat camner kan. hee~

    xsuruh pown~ =P

  7. nmpak sangat mmg dd8 for me..huhu...

    adila sengal jer...
    abg fahmy poyo100x

    cancel sme bfast & lunch...
    no more toast..wakakaka

    baskin jer ttp ader..

  8. wahahaha! dh la dpt poyo, sume dia cancel lak 2. ceh~


    wahaha! baskin xcancel?? Not Fair!!!


  9. hehe...aper lak unfair??fair la bg adila...XD
