Tepat jam 5.30ptg, 23 julai 2009, berakhirlah semester 3, tahun pertama ak di unisel~
hee~gila lega weh~
Sekejap je ouh. Habis dah setahun kat kampus. kejap je.. padahal, dulu rasa lama…
So, my paper for the 3rd sem 1st year is:
Principle and Practise of Management
Technical English II
Minggu exam, sangat2 tidak dirasakan akan datang. (short sem kot~)
So, pejam celik …… pejam celik….. aduh, sakit mata! Pejam celik lg~
tahu2 dah sampai minggu exam.
So, it’s like, what???
Dah exam? Hee~
so, aku redah je exam dgn redha~ (hahahaha~)
Technical English II paper =
Mr. Lim kata, “you all didn’t need to worry about the grammar part. Senang je~”
(dari awal sem dia bgth~)
So, aku redah je r. buat latihan grammar pun skit2 je. Tgk drpd test 1 and test 2 dia, mmg aku dah agak, bahawasanya petikan2 yang akan diberi dalam examination paper memang memerlukan aku baca bende alah 2 sampai 3-4 kali!
Aku bacalah ada satu petikan ni. (for me, it is a high level English article…)
Huuu… Mr. Lim… senangnya.
It’s a challenge. Harap2 apa yang aku faham dari article 2 sama dgn jawapan aku. Hee~
The moral of it~
Need more readings. Mungkin aku kena khatamkan kamus oxford 2 kot.
I have one dream that I always wanted to see and make it come true. I just want to talk a really fluent English. Hee! My English conversation is still weak.
Maybe I can say, it is still “Bahasa Melayu oriented”… =(
I tried really hard to speak well. I think I am improving, but little by little.
Chaiyok2! Hee~ XD
The top of my dream, is can talk like British people. (juz love their way of talk and the slang..)
Heee.. AMIN…. (teringat cara “Buck” cakap dalam Ice Age 3.. heee~ lawak gila. Hee~)
Principle and Practices of Management =
I’m trapped! Haha. Puan Huda pandai main dgn soalan. Hee~
Ok, I am a little bit stuck in some of it, but, just nice. Hee..
Alhamdulillah, aku dapat habiskan dgn agak jayanya~
So, after the last paper…
Mcm biasa… mest lepak McD.
Masing2 order large set! Haha. Kelaparan setelah penat berfikir kot.
For me, big mac and a chicken burger really makes me full. Hahaha!
(byk gak aku makan~)
p/s: ada bdk 2 bengkek je aku g McD pas2 xajak dia. Wakakakaka!
Seriously, I really enjoy this 3rd sem. REALLY!
bukan pasal aku amek 2 subjek je. Tak.
Tp, segala yang aku pelajari dalam kedua-dua subjek ini dah byk mengajar aku mengenal dan membayangkan kehidupan aku lepas graduate nanti.

(yeo n ijal mengikat banner "good luck" mpp sekeliling unisel~)
More stories about short sem nant! Hee~
Dah lama xupdate blog an.
Last words,
May Allah and the force be with you.. Always..
P/s : malam pas habis xm, main waka-waka kat fb~ hahahaha! Aku bkn minat sgt main game computer neh. So, ak jadi bodoh2 alang malam 2…. KEGILAAN SEKEJAP LEPAS EXAM. Hahaha~