Short semester? Just another tough n enjoyable journey in my life. hee~
Life is full of colours and I think, this short session of study really mean a lot to me..
What have I done and what happen? haha~
many things happen in it.. REALLY.
Aku hanya belajar 2 subjek je.
1) Principle and practices of Management
2) Technical English II
(mcm senang je kan)
just being enjoyable... =)
I'm really lucky that i have had a really fun, flexible and knowledgeable lecturers to teach me. (diorang kata, Mr. Lim xkan bagi A kat budak2 dia. haha! I'll take that as a challenge... hee)
so, my Management lecturer is Mdm. Huda (also a biotech faculty staff). she is really2 flexible and happening. haha! dia mmg byk btl knowledge dlm management. heee...
next, Mr. Lim as English lecturer. haha...
ramai xnk dia coz, awal2 lagi dia dah ugut. (dgn nada yg tegas)
"I am rarely giving an A's to my students. haha! cuak kot~
memandangkan aku dh pernah belajar dgn dia masa sem 1,tahun 1. so, aku tahu dia mcm mana.
and, he will give an A if ur work suit for it. A really tegas and goo lecturer.
(no wonder dia jadi one of the important people in Examination Secretariat~)
so, talk about this two subject that is why made my course named "Bachelor of Biotechnology Industry" ("industry because we all learn business, management etc related, as a minor),
it really makes me wonder and get into my life after the graduation day..
How to life, skill to survive in a company and how to apply for it.
basically, in Tech. English II, they r teaching us more on techniques on things related to how we should attend an interview session (interview and all the "pantang larang" in it~), how to write letters before we got works, after and during works and also how to attend and arrange a meeting during work (in a protocol manner~)
so, what can u see?
It is a really fun and exciting class for me!
it is like a new world for me. heee..
we learn and practice many stuff!
Fun! hee~
1st practice.. MOCK INTERVIEW.
we had been divided into 2 groups.
each group will interview each other.
the interviewer group will be lead and given questioned to be ask by Mr. Lim.
so, we r being interviewed.
ONE by ONE..
into the room.
psycho isn't it.
1 man VS 7 interviewer
I am really relieve (and maybe proud of it~ hee). 1 of my answer being praised by Mr. Lim. He ask in the interview room.. "Tell me 1 of your difficulties when u r in this biotechnology field works." (lebih kurang cam2 r dia tanya) So, i answered, "I have one experience when me and 1 of my friend being left a day in a lab, running all the operations and procedures by ourselves. the machine can't stop. so, we have to make our own decision without our advisor. (actually, we have to pretend to be a person yang dah graduate and ada experience bekerja, so, kdg2 kena make-up stories a bit...)
(a little moral: jgn pekakkan telinga untuk mendengar pengalaman orang. kdg2 ia berguna for our future undertakings~)

NEXT in English practical.
Meeting session (buat mcm MUET discussion exam)
but, it is like a real-based meeting situation.
so, we had being divided into 6 per group. my group got this type of meeting..
aku punya la blur "downsize" 2 apa..
So, it is like this...
we need.
A speaker, (also as a GM in a company)
A secretary
4 head of departments.
{we decided to take human resources(HR), Marketing, Research and Development (R&D) and Production department.}
Downsizing is all about decreasing and minimizing all the stuff and money used by the company.
(in another way of talking, the company is affected by the economy downpour, increasing raw materials prices etc~)
tengah gawat r kiranya kan.
do u think it is easy to buang2 pekerja begitu je??
tukar raw materials used without affecting the quality??
(no wonder mr. lim kata this topic is one of the hardest~)
And when it all ends.. we r glad that we r "fighting" wonderfully during the session.
Mr. Lim like it!
he told us, that is what meeting is all about. everyone is talking and defending themselves..
(dept. mana laa yg nak pekerja dia kena buang atau decreased in any way~)
we happen to need much more time to make the conclusions... haha. (ingtkan xcukup masa~)
so, the meeting is really2 happening.. sampai most of our group member response..
"kita kena berlatih selalu ouh. the meeting is just nice!"
aku seronok tol semua org enjoy... =)
(hope it is a big marks for our big effort.. right mr. lim? hee~)
Principle and Practices of Management..
really new. xpernah2 belajar management.
(most of it berkaitan business and company management laa~)
so, things get soo messy..
4 kelas pertama, memang aku blur... xdpt rentak.
mcm, xth motif belajar management. hu~
after struggling to study more on it..
heee! the rhythm is there! haha!
gotcha! ^.^
basically, management subject is all about how to do and manage difficulties in a company in a right, appropropriate, systematic, planned way~
just nice.
so, can u spot the similarities of the 2 subject?
it is all about the procedure, protocol, right way of action and bla bla bla... during works
(after graduate)~
a little release from biology studies.
although some of it related also to it...
Boleh dikatakan, I've learned many new and rare things in this sem.
sapa la lagi yg nak ajar aku semua soft skills ni lepas ni??
mesti kena masuk bengkel, bayar ratus2, riban2...
so, take the chances when it comes...
soft skills, semua org blh ckp..
praktikkan? not everybody can.
ak akan cuba buat yang terbaik untuk jadikan diriku terbaik.

hidup d universiti sekadar untuk belajar??
but it depends on how u take and practice the education.
setakat being a book-oriented person is not good enough.
we must be practically good in what we read about.
I hope i can do it.

May Allah and the force be with us all... ALWAYS...
Life is full of colours and I think, this short session of study really mean a lot to me..
What have I done and what happen? haha~
many things happen in it.. REALLY.
Aku hanya belajar 2 subjek je.
1) Principle and practices of Management
2) Technical English II
(mcm senang je kan)
just being enjoyable... =)
I'm really lucky that i have had a really fun, flexible and knowledgeable lecturers to teach me. (diorang kata, Mr. Lim xkan bagi A kat budak2 dia. haha! I'll take that as a challenge... hee)
so, my Management lecturer is Mdm. Huda (also a biotech faculty staff). she is really2 flexible and happening. haha! dia mmg byk btl knowledge dlm management. heee...
next, Mr. Lim as English lecturer. haha...
ramai xnk dia coz, awal2 lagi dia dah ugut. (dgn nada yg tegas)
"I am rarely giving an A's to my students. haha! cuak kot~
memandangkan aku dh pernah belajar dgn dia masa sem 1,tahun 1. so, aku tahu dia mcm mana.
and, he will give an A if ur work suit for it. A really tegas and goo lecturer.
(no wonder dia jadi one of the important people in Examination Secretariat~)
so, talk about this two subject that is why made my course named "Bachelor of Biotechnology Industry" ("industry because we all learn business, management etc related, as a minor),
it really makes me wonder and get into my life after the graduation day..
How to life, skill to survive in a company and how to apply for it.
basically, in Tech. English II, they r teaching us more on techniques on things related to how we should attend an interview session (interview and all the "pantang larang" in it~), how to write letters before we got works, after and during works and also how to attend and arrange a meeting during work (in a protocol manner~)
so, what can u see?
It is a really fun and exciting class for me!
it is like a new world for me. heee..
we learn and practice many stuff!
Fun! hee~
1st practice.. MOCK INTERVIEW.
we had been divided into 2 groups.
each group will interview each other.
the interviewer group will be lead and given questioned to be ask by Mr. Lim.
so, we r being interviewed.
ONE by ONE..
into the room.
psycho isn't it.
1 man VS 7 interviewer
I am really relieve (and maybe proud of it~ hee). 1 of my answer being praised by Mr. Lim. He ask in the interview room.. "Tell me 1 of your difficulties when u r in this biotechnology field works." (lebih kurang cam2 r dia tanya) So, i answered, "I have one experience when me and 1 of my friend being left a day in a lab, running all the operations and procedures by ourselves. the machine can't stop. so, we have to make our own decision without our advisor. (actually, we have to pretend to be a person yang dah graduate and ada experience bekerja, so, kdg2 kena make-up stories a bit...)
(a little moral: jgn pekakkan telinga untuk mendengar pengalaman orang. kdg2 ia berguna for our future undertakings~)

NEXT in English practical.
Meeting session (buat mcm MUET discussion exam)
but, it is like a real-based meeting situation.
so, we had being divided into 6 per group. my group got this type of meeting..
aku punya la blur "downsize" 2 apa..
So, it is like this...
we need.
A speaker, (also as a GM in a company)
A secretary
4 head of departments.
{we decided to take human resources(HR), Marketing, Research and Development (R&D) and Production department.}
Downsizing is all about decreasing and minimizing all the stuff and money used by the company.
(in another way of talking, the company is affected by the economy downpour, increasing raw materials prices etc~)
tengah gawat r kiranya kan.
do u think it is easy to buang2 pekerja begitu je??
tukar raw materials used without affecting the quality??
(no wonder mr. lim kata this topic is one of the hardest~)
And when it all ends.. we r glad that we r "fighting" wonderfully during the session.
Mr. Lim like it!
he told us, that is what meeting is all about. everyone is talking and defending themselves..
(dept. mana laa yg nak pekerja dia kena buang atau decreased in any way~)
we happen to need much more time to make the conclusions... haha. (ingtkan xcukup masa~)
so, the meeting is really2 happening.. sampai most of our group member response..
"kita kena berlatih selalu ouh. the meeting is just nice!"
aku seronok tol semua org enjoy... =)
(hope it is a big marks for our big effort.. right mr. lim? hee~)
Principle and Practices of Management..
really new. xpernah2 belajar management.
(most of it berkaitan business and company management laa~)
so, things get soo messy..
4 kelas pertama, memang aku blur... xdpt rentak.
mcm, xth motif belajar management. hu~
after struggling to study more on it..
heee! the rhythm is there! haha!
gotcha! ^.^
basically, management subject is all about how to do and manage difficulties in a company in a right, appropropriate, systematic, planned way~
just nice.
so, can u spot the similarities of the 2 subject?
it is all about the procedure, protocol, right way of action and bla bla bla... during works
(after graduate)~
a little release from biology studies.
although some of it related also to it...
Boleh dikatakan, I've learned many new and rare things in this sem.
sapa la lagi yg nak ajar aku semua soft skills ni lepas ni??
mesti kena masuk bengkel, bayar ratus2, riban2...
so, take the chances when it comes...
soft skills, semua org blh ckp..
praktikkan? not everybody can.
ak akan cuba buat yang terbaik untuk jadikan diriku terbaik.

hidup d universiti sekadar untuk belajar??
but it depends on how u take and practice the education.
setakat being a book-oriented person is not good enough.
we must be practically good in what we read about.
I hope i can do it.

May Allah and the force be with us all... ALWAYS...
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