Saturday, July 4, 2009

Quizzes~ hehe~ =)

Kebosanan, nak update blog malas skit. Sekarang byk kerja berkaitan MPP yang aku sangat2 runsing dan mencari jalan penyelesaian terbaik untuk kebaikan semua.

bila runsing2, update blog, memang ngarut r jawabnye. huu~
so, i open my fb, borak dgn dak2 ni. (gila betul bdk2 ni, xterlayan aku~ wakaka!)
then, i do some quizzes to release A LITTLE OF MY TENSION~
I discover some new indicator and prediction about myself in da quizzes
Read it! just nice~

"Based on your enter name Fauzey Fahmiey, the result for What Is Your Transformer Name? is.....


You are generally heroic, honourable group, they tend to be dedicated to peace, and feel a need to protect other races from the Decepticons. As a result you are usually Transformers who change into non-combat oriented alternate modes such as domestic vehicles, cars, trucks, or rescue vehicles "

p/s : hahaha! aku slalu jd tulang belakang~ heee~ =)

Fauzey just got their Arabic Name!
Fauzey's Arabic name is Kasim: Divided!

p/s: namaku Kasim dalam arab?? ngarut tol~ huu~


Fauzey Discover Secret of Birthdate!
This is the results :

You were born on 15th of April 1989.

:: Originality.
:: Come with new idea.
:: Get something with your own way.
:: Honest and a quick learner.
:: Initiative and pick the best choice in everything.
:: Boss or a leader.
:: Self employed suit them best.
:: Good things to learn ; other idea and opinion are better; think wisely.

Famous people that share your personalities : Abe, Tom Hanks, Robert Redford, Hulk Hogan, Carol Burnett, Wynona Judd, Nancy Reagan, Requel Welch.

p/s: hmmm... some of it true. some of it not. Its an indicator aite~ =)

So, my weekend is soo nice when my big family came to my house!
rumah penuh woo!
bz giler.
lepas skit tension gua.

May Allah and The Force b with U~


  1. (gila betul bdk2 ni, xterlayan aku~ wakaka!)
    ???trase gler.....kui3

  2. hehe~

    dah terasa, nk buat camner kan....


