u have only 10 minutes to answer ur paper...
(selepas 10minit~)
time's up. stop writing. wait until ur paper been taken by the invigilator..
(selepas tunggu invigilator amek paper~ )
ouh~ merdeka.
(monolog dalaman~)
come on pojie, not soo fast. ko punye thesis tu ingat boleh siap macam tu je ke?
ko ingat ko ada bela jin ke nak siapkan???
adeh. thesis. baiklah~ :)
so, next priorities, final year project @ thesis @ science project
(or whatever u call it~ it is still the same~) (^^)
final paper dah settle. ouh my... toughness of the paper??
paper2 final itu sangat senang untuk dikoyakkan mahupun dicincang memandangkan ia hanyalah selonggok kertas yang ditebang dari kayu2 yang membekalkan oksigen pada kita.
xdelah tough sangat...
tapi, memandangkan nilai tulisan padanya sangat2 bermakna untuk memberi daku markah dalam CGPA aku, maka niat mengoyakkannya adalah dibatalkan dan tidak relevan sama sekali.
what the heck~ (-.-)"

food microbe lab
4 paper all of it. bioreactor, fermentation tech, food microbe & biostat.
haish. many unpredictable things happen all the way & in the paper too.
(maybe FBSH should get some "biology field-oriented-mathematicians to teach mathematics for us~)
ouh, soalan nya, bdk2 course maths pun mintak ak paper biostatistic untuk dia buat. :)
so, it is sem break. actually, the sem break is 3 weeks. (ak dah bagitahu kot kat post2 sebelum ni..)
tapi, for the sake of biotech and studies, esok ak dah kene balik ke kampus~ how great was that. ;D
(monolog dalaman~)
pojie, belajar kerana Allah pojie... niat kene betul~
ye.. baik2. tetapkan hati, redah je. :D InsyaAllah.
so, there he goes. completing his thesis.

ulam raja. one of the plant in the thesis study~
anyway, hopefully this 3rd year will give me more experience and get me what i should get to learn b4 me n my friends will graduate nex year. InsyaAllah..
harap2 tiada apa2 aral yang melintang sepanjang tahun 3 bioteknologi kat sini.
May Allah and the force be with us all... always~ (^^)
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