anyway, I have to admit it. either way, kancah bola sepak negara sudah berkembang dari satu level ke satu level yang lebih baik. (dgn nada hasbullah awang~)
Alhamdulillah. xpe Malaysia, skit2 . pelan2 kayuh. nanti kita maju la tu. ;)
Im not a true footballer actually. suka tgk orang main, tapi main berterabo gak ak ni.
love to see how they see. I mean. the relations, between manager n players. strategy they've practiced and played.
skali tgk team bola main strategy, I can be really amaze.
guess I'm a "mourinho-type man" rather than "brazilian-samba-style-type man".
more to looking on the strategies rather than individual display.
tapi apa2 pun, setiap satu ada kelemahan dia kaan. :)
Kelantan vs Negeri Sembilan.
so? ur call?
I rather go for Negeri Sembilan. (hobin jang hobin! )
N9 - banyak player muda. wise wan jamak. strategy diorg ada style ouh. keeper mantap.
kelantan - experience player. strategy well. sathianathan with a great brain.
apa2 pun, hopefully nothing happen between the two supporters.
(masalah dari dulu, sama je sebenarnya... penyokong xchill~)
jgn kata xd. ramai gl dow orang turun padang sekarang. skali ada gak sampai kecut ke padang pasal pergaduhan antara penyokong. haish~
(tu xkire yg player gaduh lagi~)
attitude guys. attitude.
pelik gila.
in europe, penyokong sampai tepi pitch. xd hal lah. security kene ketat koot.
may Allah and the force be with us all. :)
yup, attitude