as for now..
(the duration between during proposal writing on the september till the end of the final paper~)
the playlist in the walkman dan sehari2an.
(jangan tanye ke mana ipod ak pergi~) :(
step up 3 soundtrack

enrique iglasias
2PM (korea pun masuk jugak~) :P
michael jackson
the hives
the strokes
arctic monkeys
Il Divo
joanna & co.
transformers: revenge of the fallen soundtracks
breaking benjamin
(memandangkan slalu lepak kedai scorpion skrg, so, ak kire itu masuk dalam playlist ak jugak~)
6ixth sense
ak xingat, banyak lagi. :D
yang pasti, soundtracks adalah sangat popular dalam playlist aku masa2 genting n dah nak xm ni. :) it is. suits me.
anyway, step up3 (the movie) sangat style. it is great. feels like dancing perhaps?
(naaah.. im a bad dancer~)
anyway, soundtrack dia pun terbaek.
music from laza morgan (this girl), j. randall (spirit of the radio), david guetta, chromeo (fancy footwork), madcon (beggin') and many more.
new artist, just knew bout chromeo and all of them. they have great music.
anyway, roots xblh lupa lor. ayat2 Al-Quran pun kene dgr slalu.
kaki kene kasi jejak tanah. baru kuat. :)
May Allah and the force be with us all.
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