Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Words from a tennis player ~ Roger Federer

I've just online my FB this morning and I saw this post that Roger Federer share with his fan and friends.

Kinda interesting to put it as words of the day~

He says~

Having good support from coaches is important and they will help you lead the way. I know that it is a cliché, but there is no substitute for hard work and dedication. This is vital.

Dear Michael-Obviously, passion is key, coordination is important as well so to also mix in different sports is a good idea. But keep an eye on what you could improve physically already and see where your potential is so you can work on your weaker points for later in your game. I always thought having a long term goal is important as a junior.

I have not yet had a chance to play a match under the roof, but I am excited to do so in the future. The days of rain delays are now over!

He is a great and motivated man, don't u think??


then, I tried this quiz about "predicting ur personal behaviour by ur type of blood~
I'm an A blood!

So, it says that I am~

Untuk Fauzey Fahmiey memiliki golongan darah A, berikut ini penjelasannya :

- Berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool.

- Karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala.

- Sebelum melakukan sesuatu mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu. Dan merencanakan segala sesuatunya secara matang, sungguh-sungguh dan konsisten.

- Berusaha membuat diri mereka se wajar dan ideal mungkin.

- Kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang-orang.

- Mencoba menekan perasaan mereka dan karena sering melakukannya mereka terlihat tegar. Meskipun sebenarnya mereka mempunya sisi yang lembek seperti gugup dan lain sebagainya.

- Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tidak sependapat. Makanya mereka cenderung berada di sekitar orang-orang yang ber´temperamen´ (bersifat) sama.

some of it kinda "kena". I'll take it as a guide. For me, to get a brighter day and greater life also better experience all the day and my future undertakings~

May the Force and Allah be with all of us~
"Fauzey Skywalker"


My Korean Name?? (FB~)

Korean Name

Your Korean Name is :

Hyun Ki Yoon

Wakakaka! ntah apa2 FB ni..

I use da name generator for Korean name. I got this kinda cute name.

Ki Yoon~

(aku kepusing pusingan~)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Semester.. Short sem.. part 3~ (orientation picture~)

Picture~ Picture~ Orientation week~ May Intake 2009

dari blkg~ Boy, ME, Umi, Farah, Masitoh~

At last, I got these pictures from boolat. haha! sengal nye boolat. hee~
(thanx for the pictures boolat!)

you'll be an auwsome photographer! yeah!
ok. summary of pictures~
(banyak kot nak letak~)

enjoy it! =)

hari pendaftaran
ecah n boy~
senam pagi~
belakang tabir
arnab dan pokok~
baik punye tdo~
Naib Canselor UNiSEL
Majlis pengenalan MPP sesi 09/10
ceramah fakulti
Khidmat msyrkt di sek. knk2 khas (gambo kat surau, sks7 etc mana ntah~)Permainan tradisional~
final nite
Thanx boolat, boy, umi etc 4 da pic!
Thanx to all!

p/s: comel gl ouh dak mata biru 2! wish my daughter have a pair of eyes like that~ wakakakaka! =P

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

English class~ Interview preparation and psychology~

last week I have my english class and all the week we talk about interviews and all its crazyness. haha!

Mr Lim is my Technical English lecturer and he is really2 awesome!
so, there is one class, if I not mistaken, the Wednesday class. we talk about how to enter the interview room.Interview is really complicated ain't it? haha!
I have some of my previous knowledge through readings and some series of mock interview in the college. (thank God I have knowledges in it~ AMIN~), so, it is not a shock for most of the thing he told us~

Our body posture must straight, how to sit, how to laid ur hand when u r sitting, ur legs...bla..bla..bla....
haha! really2 formal and messy.

AND! the best part!
Mr. Lim also thought us about the psychological behaviours.
I am really attracted to this simple thing that really make sense and I think it is a great indicator.

He said that,
I also knew something about this one, but his is something new.

1st, how he/she stretch the hand to shake.
In interview, you don't stretch ur hand when u r about 5km from that people! haha!
they way it is tells smthing about urself.

2nd, the position of ur palm when u offer a handshake.
If the guy:
offer with his/her hands with his palm down, means.. "I'm in charge!"
(u know what I mean rite~) or it can indicates someone's ego in something.
(no wonder almost every soldiers offers hand like that..)
offers his/her hands with his palm up, it means... "I'm at ur service"
(no wonder girls always melt when n guys offer his hand like that or kneel with his hand like that. hahahaha!)
offers hand vertically, it means.. "Let's work together" or it can be seen, how low profile is the guy.
(this is a good one~)

Thanx 4 da knowledge Mr.Lim! =)

I like it!
Psychology is really powerful!
My psychological knowledge is not so wide I think.. hmm..
I like this subject.. really!
knowing people just by looking at their behaviour or their eyes or physically.
just nice!

I like it this way, i mean, u see people psychologically. not a rough and blind eyes prediction.
then, when u tend to see what he/she do or u make friends with them.
u can see the real human in it.
and, just make conclusion with ur psychology knowledge.

(for the sake of using ur knowledge, not as a stepping stone for u to judge how people's are!)

It is not like I tend to see people at my first sight predictions. NO! NO! NO!
that is a really bad habit!
u see them psychologically to be cautious.. and also, to reflect it to urself. Is it "in you"?
when u tend to know someone psychologically, for me, PLEASE KEEP IT.
u don't know anythng yet, or u maybe know... but.. It is not really good to do that.

u know the words..

May the force and Allah be with U... ALWAYS~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Song of the month (or song of the semester maybe~)

Don't need to introduce it. u know the song right??

No Boundaries


Seconds, hours, so many days

You know what you want but how long can you wait

Every moments last forever

When you feel you’ve lost your way

And what if my chances were already gone

I started believing that I could be wrong

But you give me one good reason

To fight and never walk away

So here I am still holding on

With every step you climb another mountain

With every breath is harder to believe

You make it through the pain

Weather the hurricane

To get to that one thing

Just when you feel the world is going nowhere

Just when you almost gave up on your dreams

They take you by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries

There are no boundaries

I fought to the limits to stand on the edge

What if today is as good as it gets

Don’t know where the future’s headed

But nothings gonna bring me down

I’ve jump every bridge I’ve run every line

I risk being safe I always knew why

I always knew why

So here I am still holding on

With every step you climb another mountain

With every breath is harder to believe

You make it through the pain

Weather the hurricane

To get to that one thing

Just when you feel the world is going nowhere

Just when you almost gave up on your dreams

They take you by the hand

And show you that you can

You can go higher you can go deeper

There are no boundaries

Above and beneath you

Break every rules cause there’s nothing between you and your dream

With every step you climb another mountain

With every breath is harder to believe

You make it through the pain

Weather the hurricane

To get to that one thing

Just when you feel the world is going nowhere

Just when you almost gave up everything

They take you by the hand

And show you that you can

There are no boundaries

There are no boundaries

There are no boundaries

There are no boundaries

There are no boundaries.

- I found it really2 give me something like, motivational spirit to survive. maybe.

the lyrics is soo energetic.

I think I'll hear it along my short semester. hehe! hope 2 improve well! go short sem!

long semester will be more prosperous and happy!


May Allah be with U~ always.... - Fauzey Skywalker~ =)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Semester.. Short sem.. part 2... (orientation and fasilitator)

Short sem part 2~

nak criter pasal minggu orientasi lah.
Sebelum short sem ku bermula, ku telah bermatian menghabiskan masa dgn junior2 ku yang baru. (haha~)

cuti ku yang sepatutnya sebulan lbih skit jadik setengah bulan xde lebih. haha! (bukan mengeluh, dah tanggungjawab kan~)

so, the orientation week preparation process go on...
telah dilantik menjadi penolong ketua fasi...
(giler tol~ pressure bai~)
so, mengadap la segala masalah exco2 ku~ hehe! pengalaman dow.
masa 2weeks cuti, siapkan segala surat dan temujanji dgn penceramah2 bersama ijal dan suren.
(s/u lak demam tym 2.. lg la prob...)
preparation week, relieve skit coz byk dah siap... so, preparation week, tolong2 exco2 jer.
managing and preparing also thinking bout da way to do and accomplish something is really2 tiring than done smthng physically!
(naseb bek dah ada pengalaman cam2 masa belajar add math dolu2 and managing many events~ betul dow! berfikir lg pnat and lagi cepat lapar dari buat sesuatu secara fizikal kot!)

preparation week, sgt2 letih...
huish~ menguruskan surau untuk dibuat khidmat komuniti and penceramah for ceramah kewangan pun penat. (kene update slalu~)
then, tolong2 la exco2 ku buat kerje2.. pacak signage la, angkut itu.. ini...
(memandangkan asrama kampus shah alam dah totally kat wisma mais, lg memenatkan keadaan)

so, sampai la hari ahad...

exco pendaftaran telah meletakkan daku terpacak di pintu hadapan pada sesi pagi dan di dalam dwn p sesi ptg...
bila diletakkan di hadapan pintu dewan, faham2 r apa yg aku alami.
so, slps dari khemah ibubapa mengisi borang2, bdk2 masuk dlm dwan untuk proses seterusnya.
so, parents is the most excited people in that day rather than students itself!
aku diserbu! tnye itu, tanya ini.. woohoo~
dimaki itu dimaki ini~
dimarah pasal itu, pasal in~
(parents yg agk kasar skit la kan~)
apa aku mampu jawab klu xleh jawab.
"auntie/uncle..saya fasilitator, membantu pihak pengurusan melicinkan keadaan, bkn staf~"
hehe! kgd2, fasi yg kene blame pasal kesalahan pengurusan~ (bkn kdg2, slalu~)
so, keadaan dah jd kelam kabut..
aku tercegat di pintu dpn dewan dari pg smpai ptg...

wanna take some of the Joker words in The Dark Knights~
"Madness is just like gravity... All you need is a little.... PUSH~"

penat, tp enjoy!
bkn enjoy kene maki la sengal!
enjoy coz dapat pengalaman baru.
Human, emotional and self management...
(am I right??)
Jarang kene serbu cam2, bl kene serbu, kene sabar... jawab satu per satu, layan dgn baik..
Api jgn dilawan dgn api..
kene ingat tu~

habis hari pendaftaran.. 5ptg, trus start orientasi..
the activity started with ice breaking, bla bla bla...
ceramah la, LDK la...
Aku ditugaskan jaga kmpln 1. (dak2 baru kmpln 1 friendly giler! best2! korang best!)
so, da week started until thursday..
buli dak2 ni best giler! yg xtahan, diorg kene main permainan tradisional! lari dlm guni, baling selipar, lari guna tempurung kelapa(terompah kelapa) bla bla bla..
lawak n enjoy giler! haha!

last day, ada khidmat komuniti. perg sekolah n surau, bersihkan, kemas, ramah mesra dgn dak2 sekolah..
teringat zaman2 sklh rendah dolu2~
dak2 ni nakal giler. ada nak aku ceriter hantu kat sekolah 2! hampeh.
tanye aku ada gf ke x lah, abang belajar camner (bdk 2 bagus~ hehe~)

habis~ tamat jer, aku demam~
adeh~ (siap syak aku denggi lagi 2!)
takut giler..
aku kene demam campak kecil jer.
demam pnas sgt pasal penat. (ayah aku kater~)

lama kot. seminggu lebh! gagahkan gak bdn perg kuliah isnin 2.

untuk fasi, byk pembaharuan perlu dilakukan.. ada beberapa org, salahkan MT xbuat kerje. (yelah, ada org nak kt tunjuk yg kiter buat kerje 2, baru dia th kiter buat kerje kan..)
fasi pun, mcm2 ragam. yg suka cari kesalahan org je.. yg mulut laser lagi best. panas jer kan.. (api xblh lawan api kan..)
bila mulut jalan dulu daripada otak, cam2 la jadinye kan...
so, dia xnmpk salah dia. klu sorg xpe, ni siap ada geng yg laser! adeh~
kesalahan sendri xnk tgk, nk tgk n ari kesalahan org lain. bl diungkit, melenting.
(sometimes, ada org suka bgth 1 dunia dia buat kerje sampai pengsan2pnat2..)
managing ourself is more important before managing others...
itu je yg dpt dikata.

tp wahai fasilitator sekalian... kamo semua memang best and rocks!
thanx for all da help, knowledge and management being done! thanx to ijal, pakcik, kak fida, kak nad, boolat, farah, "hatta" (poyo jer sruh org panggil hatta) dan lain2 fasi! korg byk ajar aku yg baru d unisel ini~

pictures at da next post ek~ hehe~

Thursday, June 11, 2009

London Bridge is falling down.. Sume bangunan nak runtuh!

I just discover this pic from one of my friend at facebook.
lawak giler! Raksasa musnahkan Stadium kat Terengganu~!!!

style giler picture ni...

apsal la sumer bangunan nak runtuh je skrg...
hari tu, 1 bngnan dah runtuh. letupan xsistematik la, apa laa..bla..bla..
ni, stadium runtuh, padahal baru siap????!!
what the..

Contractor kat Malaysia ni memang xpandai nak buat struktur bangunan ker??
arkitek pun sama..
nak kata xpandai, pandai..
what's the main factor of all this messiness??
(Lionel messi?? Dia memang pandai buat messy kat defend lawan in football)

Of course r duit jadi faktor!

Let say, "org atas skali" kata n bagitahu akhbar n all media.
"We will build a stadium in Terengganu. The cost is about 3billion.. (just a random number...)
ok... budget approved. sampai menteri ni, kaut "skit"..
arkitek kaut "skit"....Kontraktor dah blur..
mana boleh buat stadium dgn harga.. 1.5 billion... (just a random number)
let say, boleh la buat stadium with that cost.. (tp kontraktor pun nk kaut gak...)
Then, the method of building..
xpe.. kiter gune material paling murah n paling tahan.. haha!
after a period of construction.. SIAP!
after a short period of usage, runtuh!

Nk kater xbelajar dari kesilapan ker? hmm...
mungkin.. xserik kot...
membazir duit jer nak baik balik.
I'm not good in costing for construction or anything bout it. but, i can predict..
I think, kos membaiki mest lagi byk kan..

the same thing recycle all over again.. hmm...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Semester.. Short sem.. part 1~

setelah sekian lama...
(aku slalu cakap ayat 2 kat blog kan....)
nak wat camner ouh.. xd masa nak menulis.

sejak habis xm last sem.. (about a month ago..)
sampai ke hari ni baru aku nak tulis post baru. haha~

Menceritakan mengenai apa yang terjadi padaku sejak sebulan yang lalu..

-Aku baru saje dilantik menjadi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar untuk sesi 09/10 pada akhir julai
(if i'm not mistaken the date....)

(ada cam MPP ker aku neh?? )

giler berat ouh responsibilities. (one of da factor why this blog xd post~)
The responsibilities is really trying to kill me~
Wish me luck guys!

then... examination fever started about a month.... man...
Allah je taw apa jadik kat kepala aku time 2. adeh~

then.. cuti selama sebulan..
terpaksa dipendekkan sampai 2 minggu cuti coz aku kene prepare for orientation bdk2 baru intake Mei 3/2008/2009...

urgh~ what a job...
first time mengambil alih Majlis Tertinggi Fasilitator n actually, this is my 1st time in this program.. so... so.... exhausted...
melayan kerenah bdk2 baru... 1 hal dah.. memang sangat2 meletihkan...
biasa r.. di sini, intake Mei, biasa nya terdiri daripada golongan remaja2 lepasan SPM atau sambung degree dari dip. (about 17-22 years old laaa..)

Yang sambung dari dip, ok jer.
Campus life is just soo synonym to them...
Yang dari lepasan SPM masuk U trus neh..
(Dila jangan terasa taw. U ok jer. haha!)
Some of them feels like the campus is just like heaven. Damn~
U live in the campus, u must sacrifice dear junior... all the comfort u wanted is not there. the main point is u come to study and learn more. Not relax and Merdeka being far from yourparents (cam ayat poyo jerk~)
(i like to dedicate this ayat 2 myself too... kdg2 rasa cam dah hilang jerk aku neh~ hehe)

Ok, back to the orientation week. the juniors...
they all are really2 nice and cooperative. (I'm soo relieved~)
memandangkan ini first time asrama kampus shah alam dah dipindahkan ke luar dari kampus, so, there is a really tragically and unexpected things can happen. bak kata sorang fasi ni..
Just be prepare for the worst case scenario so we can prepare well.
Ok, ada gak dak2 escape dari orientasi. can't deny it. ramai kot nak kawal. naik pening aku.
Thanx juniors for being soo cooperative, sporting, nice, and great!

Hidup UNiSEL! hehe~

think 4 this post, xnak cakap byk pasal orientation week. I'll talk later in the next post. huih~ panjang kowt nak criter pahit manis~

New semester, new hope, new target.
naikkan pointer!!
naik lagi!
Jangan berpuas hati atas apa yang ko dah dapat fauzi fahmi! hee~!
Campus life must go on.
Let's put a smiile on your face... (hahaha!)
Face the truth, fight for what's right!
Short sem, High pointer! yeah!

More words at the next and next post....
May the force be with you.. And Allah also..

Lagu tema sem ni.
No Boundaries. (Kris Allen nye layan skit~)