Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sister's birthday wish.

(adik ke-3)
15/9 (so, u r 12 now) (^^)

whatever comes on ur way. get it away! (^^)

adik2 ku dah membesar. its been a while. Im in my 20s, adik2 in their 10s..
wow. kejap je rasa.

life it is... like an ice cream... :)
get the taste while it is not melting. (^^)

*hadiah along bagi lambat skit. uncang duit xmakan and minum lagi~ (^^)

a break and I'm bending it till break

finally. a break a sem break. (for a while)
*xpe fauzi.... sekejap je ni. kang ko keluar U, ko tahu la apa makna xde sem break
(monolog dalaman~)


so, I'm home. packing things. with miserable life there at Bestari Jaya.
with a not-so-good results for the sem. damn it.
I just can't believe it.
well. back on track. (malas nak ungkit~)

di rumah. minggu ni sambut aidiladha. lama xjumpa adik beradik and parents. a little reunion.

back to the story.
many things really happen in the not-so-sembreak ..
well, many things, many words, many "perangai manusia"... bla bla bla. many of it.
seems like... I might think back.. "did I ever see the reality?"

u see...
I see a human, is a human.. (of course it is~)
perangai? never thought it would be like it. :)
biasa lah, aku pun ada perangai sendiri gak kan.
but, sometimes, a "perangai" seems not really suits me at all. can I say it is a "kebiasaan"?
I don't know... hmm.... a "kepentingan diri"? I don't know.
but either way. I can't seems to be myself. damn it I don't like it.
I just love to be tolerate. but... does it worth? maybe. sometimes.

I myself had my own clumsiness and "perangai".
ok fauzi. ur turn.


kawan : ko "baik" sangat pojie... -.-"

I just cant... sometimes. I just cant. . . stand.

well, I'll stand by myself.

-May Allah and the force be with us all.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

habis awal atau lambat.

still manage to re-arrange my files and doc also notes yang berterabo masa sem lepas.
(every early sem break, inilah kerje aku. balik rumah, susun nota2 yang lepas2 compile dalam satu file... tu pun last 2 sem dah xbrape nak compile sangat pasal kekurangan rajin~)

so, back to my hometown
(gaya cam kampung je kan, padahal shah alam yg tgh pesat ni~)
1 sem ak blah ke Bestari Jaya, macam2 mende dah naik kat sini. mydin baru lah, jakel makin bertambah2 kedai dan pintunya. kat kawasan bintang hypermarket tu dah macam pusat bandar shah alam yang ke-2. haish.
(sejak dari raya hari tu dah jam macam tu dah~)
either way, bdk2 uitm ramai. confirm jam.
ak xfaham pembangunan shah alam skrg. gila xmanage langsung.
bdk2 taman xd lagi. masing2 jauh. semua xbalik lagi. memandangkan ak je yang study unisel kat taman aku .. so, ak balik kejap pun. jumpe parents2 mereka je lah.
(terbiasa panggil "bdk taman" coz shah alam punye seksyen 7, besar gila. taman sri andalas dulu pun xbesar macam ni) (^^)

xpe lah. aku balik umah pun kejap2 je ni. thesis lagi nk kene settle. so, xde masalah sgt diorang xde. ada gak balas2 mesej kat YM & FB. nant weekend bila2 aku jumpa la tu. ;)
aku tgk2kan parents korang je kat sini. :)

entah bagaimana, bila parents bertemu parents @ aku bertemu parents member2. mesti soalan sama yang ditanya. "ni fahmi bila nak habis study ni?"
bukan menyampah dgn soalan tu. x...
tapi, aku faham sgt parents nak anak2 dia habis study cepat2. kerja, tolong mereka bla..bla..bla..
(I'm a family man, I know the feelings~) :P
then, soalan2 yang macam memperlekehkan.. (xnak mention soalan tu)
sometimes, bkn kena pada aku. pada kawan2 lain...
ada2 parents, mereka faham. ada2 parents.. cant be tolerate with it.

but then....

bukan parents sahaja ada mentaliti macam tu. kawan2 pun sama.. ;)

"ko bila habis?"
"asal ko xamek degree terus? ko dari foundation kan?"
"asal ko amek sijil? amek la dip terus"
"asal ko kerje dulu? xnak stdy?"

soalan2 macam tu keluar. tanye kawan2 lain macam tu.
sometimes. bila kita letak diri di tempat orang lain...
then we know why they do it~ :)
ada kawan2 kita bkn ada kewangan yg mencukupi nak stdy tinggi2 terus.
ada kawan2 kita, nk bermula dari bawah. mungkin mereka tidak punya keberanian nak pergi jauh dahulu dan bermula dari merangkak dan berjalan.
kayuh sikit2 kan. :)
ada kawan2 kita, lalu jalan gelap dulu. BETUL. memang salah mereka. tapi, bila mereka sedari. Ia juga kesedaran mereka.

the biggest lesson in life is to FALL first.

i guess I'm getting to learn more of that quote.
(someone had told me the quote in a different sentence. but rephrasing back is not a sin. it still have a same meaning. )

but then, sape nak jatuh kaaan. :)
sape2 pun xnak jatuh. tapi skali jatuh... mesti xnak jatuh lagi kan. :)

not blaming parents to have that mind. & not blaming friends to have that. :)
but then, kene faham kot.. maybe..
believe me..

u can make a people die and be like a walking skeleton just by torturing them morally and spiritually. the more u blame or make them feel bad. the less "life span in their mentality" they got....

result :
-a man that learn from just sijil.. naik ke dip.. naik ke degree.. is now 1 of the supporting engineer in a car factory.
-dari foundation, turun sijil.... naik balik dip.. degree.. is now one of the acc in a big bank.
-jatuh dari dip. kerje terus... makan gaji dulu. then is now making its own electrical business.

how's that for a lesson? :)

kawan 1 : kita belajar dari kehidupan pojie.. kadang2, orang mencemuh. jatuh kene cemuh. bangun pun kene cemuh. berjaya. dengki lak kang.
aku : betul... nak buat macam mana. mulut orang akan sentiasa bercakap. nak xnak, kita manusia. xbanyak pun.. skiiit lah.. mesti kita termakan punye cakap diorang. susah maw cari orang supportive skrg.
kawan 1 : yang penting, diri kita kan... kadang2, orang sekeliling xcemuh pun. nak bagi kita jalan. dah kita degil. mcm mana nak belajar.
aku : betul. can't deny it... ;)

may Allah and the force be with us all... (^^)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the malaysia cup final.

so, tetiba je ak bersemangat nak mengetahui perkembangan bola sepak negara. :D
anyway, I have to admit it. either way, kancah bola sepak negara sudah berkembang dari satu level ke satu level yang lebih baik. (dgn nada hasbullah awang~)
Alhamdulillah. xpe Malaysia, skit2 . pelan2 kayuh. nanti kita maju la tu. ;)

Im not a true footballer actually. suka tgk orang main, tapi main berterabo gak ak ni.
love to see how they see. I mean. the relations, between manager n players. strategy they've practiced and played.
skali tgk team bola main strategy, I can be really amaze.

guess I'm a "mourinho-type man" rather than "brazilian-samba-style-type man".
more to looking on the strategies rather than individual display.

tapi apa2 pun, setiap satu ada kelemahan dia kaan. :)

Kelantan vs Negeri Sembilan.

so? ur call?
I rather go for Negeri Sembilan. (hobin jang hobin! )

N9 - banyak player muda. wise wan jamak. strategy diorg ada style ouh. keeper mantap.

kelantan - experience player. strategy well. sathianathan with a great brain.

apa2 pun, hopefully nothing happen between the two supporters.
(masalah dari dulu, sama je sebenarnya... penyokong xchill~)
jgn kata xd. ramai gl dow orang turun padang sekarang. skali ada gak sampai kecut ke padang pasal pergaduhan antara penyokong. haish~
(tu xkire yg player gaduh lagi~)

attitude guys. attitude.
pelik gila.

in europe, penyokong sampai tepi pitch. xd hal lah. security kene ketat koot.

may Allah and the force be with us all. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the playlist

as for now..
(the duration between during proposal writing on the september till the end of the final paper~)

the playlist in the walkman dan sehari2an.
(jangan tanye ke mana ipod ak pergi~) :(

step up 3 soundtrack

enrique iglasias
2PM (korea pun masuk jugak~) :P
michael jackson
the hives
the strokes
arctic monkeys
Il Divo
joanna & co.
transformers: revenge of the fallen soundtracks
breaking benjamin
(memandangkan slalu lepak kedai scorpion skrg, so, ak kire itu masuk dalam playlist ak jugak~)
6ixth sense
ak xingat, banyak lagi. :D

yang pasti, soundtracks adalah sangat popular dalam playlist aku masa2 genting n dah nak xm ni. :) it is. suits me.
anyway, step up3 (the movie) sangat style. it is great. feels like dancing perhaps?
(naaah.. im a bad dancer~)
anyway, soundtrack dia pun terbaek.
music from laza morgan (this girl), j. randall (spirit of the radio), david guetta, chromeo (fancy footwork), madcon (beggin') and many more.
new artist, just knew bout chromeo and all of them. they have great music.

anyway, roots xblh lupa lor. ayat2 Al-Quran pun kene dgr slalu.
kaki kene kasi jejak tanah. baru kuat. :)

May Allah and the force be with us all.

cuti sem yang xbrape nak cuti.

u have only 10 minutes to answer ur paper...

(selepas 10minit~)

time's up. stop writing. wait until ur paper been taken by the invigilator..

(selepas tunggu invigilator amek paper~ )
ouh~ merdeka.


(monolog dalaman~)
come on pojie, not soo fast. ko punye thesis tu ingat boleh siap macam tu je ke?
ko ingat ko ada bela jin ke nak siapkan???

adeh. thesis. baiklah~ :)

so, next priorities, final year project @ thesis @ science project
(or whatever u call it~ it is still the same~) (^^)

final paper dah settle. ouh my... toughness of the paper??
paper2 final itu sangat senang untuk dikoyakkan mahupun dicincang memandangkan ia hanyalah selonggok kertas yang ditebang dari kayu2 yang membekalkan oksigen pada kita.
xdelah tough sangat...
tapi, memandangkan nilai tulisan padanya sangat2 bermakna untuk memberi daku markah dalam CGPA aku, maka niat mengoyakkannya adalah dibatalkan dan tidak relevan sama sekali.
what the heck~ (-.-)"

food microbe lab

4 paper all of it. bioreactor, fermentation tech, food microbe & biostat.
haish. many unpredictable things happen all the way & in the paper too.
(maybe FBSH should get some "biology field-oriented-mathematicians to teach mathematics for us~)
ouh, soalan nya, bdk2 course maths pun mintak ak paper biostatistic untuk dia buat. :)

so, it is sem break. actually, the sem break is 3 weeks. (ak dah bagitahu kot kat post2 sebelum ni..)
tapi, for the sake of biotech and studies, esok ak dah kene balik ke kampus~ how great was that. ;D

(monolog dalaman~)
pojie, belajar kerana Allah pojie... niat kene betul~

ye.. baik2. tetapkan hati, redah je. :D InsyaAllah.

so, there he goes. completing his thesis.

ulam raja. one of the plant in the thesis study~

anyway, hopefully this 3rd year will give me more experience and get me what i should get to learn b4 me n my friends will graduate nex year. InsyaAllah..
harap2 tiada apa2 aral yang melintang sepanjang tahun 3 bioteknologi kat sini.

May Allah and the force be with us all... always~ (^^)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the final exam madness

so, this is it. :)
its ALMOST the end of the 1st sem for the final year. never thought it could be that fast.
tahu2 je dah sampai hujung sem daaa..

so, I have 4 paper to be seated and 1 final presentation that had been presented in front of 4 panelist (the dean, lecturer and lab researcher specifically~)
rushing, packed, stressed out, makan banyak (tabiat buruk bl stress~).... semua ada.

sebelum bercakap soal final.
kita bicara soal proposal presentation for the thesis.
so, I have to make presentation for proposal (scientific communication subject)
naik2 je cuti raya, terus kena present.

*so, it is a proposal raya excitedness syndrome (err.... making up some new terms i think~)*

sblum bercakap pasal presentation, the preparation... man... last minute? maybe..
but the correction after the submission of the draft to the supervisor..
Tuhan je tahu pe ak rasa masa tuu.
terbaek lah kaaan. naik cuti, hari pertama present... IT IS ME. just nice.
pagi tu baru siapkan slides because of the correction after supervisor's advice.
rushing. rushing. aku tabahkan je diri neh... huu.

but the presentation is going smooth.. (maybe~) (-.-)
10 minutes for presentation (mana cukup!)
aku tekanan je kan present dgn bunyi loceng yg menandakan dah nk habis masa present.
quite a bit rush. gelabah skit presentation aku.
but for the Q&A, i did great. Alhamdulillah. semua soalan dapat jawab.
hopefully byk blh tolong dalam markah nanti... AMIN.

(yang xtahan, group present ak dapat skali dgn mamat yang terbaek, yang stok2 pressure aku balik secara haluus je kaaan. cakap presentation aku cam keling lah, gelak2 orang tym present lah bla bla bla... adeh.. aku memang sgt sayang kawan2 ak yg macam tuu~)
*be supportive guys...please~ *

ada byk lagi cara nk hilangkan gelabah sendiri dari pressure orang untuk membuktikan diri kuat. :)

so, 1 subject, CHECK.
final paper. ada 4 paper total semua skali.
hopefully I'll be doing great. InsyaAllah.

not much for this post. not in a great mood i think.

semalam test bioreactor.. hari ni test food microbe.
Alhamdulillah... dapat jawab ( betul ke, salah.. lain cerita~) ;P

May Allah and the force be with us all. :)

Raya Aidilfitri.

Guess what.
*bagus tol ko ni pojie... dah nk habis raya baru ko nak buat post raya??*
ahaha. ;P

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua pembaca blog.
yang menyinggah mahupun tersinggah...
Maaf Zahir Batin.


raya kali ni sangat sekejap, dengan presentation proposal thesis lagi... dengan segala jadah bagai yang kene setel kat unisel ni.
mak aih~ (-.-)
its ok... sabar je pojie...sabar... (monolog dalaman.. harap diabaikan ye~)

so, its my 3rd year a.k.a. final year for bachelor of biotech at unisel.
so, I guess I can't blame on all the business. its a student life. :)
as far as I go..
sepanjang raya ni.
minggu pertama, setel... (raya sakan~)
minggu kedua present proposal.. (SETELLLLLLL!)
minggu ketiga sampai lah skrg....
test...quiz...test..... quiz...test....dan test....
dan tidak lupa mrs assignment kita ye... :P
ahaha. *cool. great*
(memang test kesabaran zahir batin aku betul~)

anyway. its not a great syawal. but its been quite great celebrating with friends here at the campus. semua tabah je hadapi final year kan.
not much for now. celcom broadband punye line pun ntah apa2 je kat sini.

until next time.
May Allah and the force be with us all

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eid Al-Mubarak (please read this my friends..personally from me)

ouh my. it is holiday~ thank God~ ALhmadulillah.
I'm resting (4 a while surely~)
b4 heading back to campus and face all the journals and literature reviews ALSO the becoming final paper for the sem.

never stand a chance to post more on my ramadhan this year in this blog.
its ok. (kalau aku sempat, nant ak post ye~)

anyway, tomorrow will be the victorious day for all the muslims all over the world.
the glory day, the ending of Ramadhan and the beginning of Syawal.

It is SURELY and ABSOLUTELY, Ramadhan is a precious month..
A month where all the rahmat and barakah. Allah give to us.
a month to synchronize ourselves.. back to the roots.
but Syawal is just the beginning of something new.

is our worshipping, solat and good deeds in Ramadhan do prepare us to face the other 11 months before the coming Ramadhan?
do it enough?
hopefully.. hopefully. InsyaAllah.

At this opportunity, I would like to wish all of my friends, family and relatives, also whoever that know me no matter where u are.

Do forgive me TRULY FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR heart.
for what I did wrong, for all my said, my actions, my writings, or even things that I've done that give consequences that made anyone of u feel so mad and anger with me.
I hope my sins with u, (sins made between human from human) will be deleted and gone for good.. and we will all be given barakah and nikmat all the way of our life...


Sunday, August 15, 2010

1 ramadhan... yang menarik dan yang kurang.. :P


adeh.. satu ramadhan
satu ramadhan...
the 1st day of ramadhan.. for the first time...
in UNISEL Bestari Jaya campus

just nice. :)

gile lain dow. sangat2 menarik. tempat baru kaaan.
I'm prepared.. I think. marhaban ya Ramadhan! :D

malam pertama terawih:
just nice. Alhamdulillah.. ak dapat terawih di masjid unisel. I am beginning to like this place well. Although sangat2 jauh dari kemudahan2 yang xmacam shah alam, tapi..
what can I say.. I've said it again and again..
"the campus life is there"
when the campus life is there. there goes ur life as a student.
it is full pack of memories. :)
masjid unisel sangat2 penuh. ramai gila!
(walaupun aku tahu hari pertama mmg ramai smngt habis)

the environment.. the place.. xtahu lah.. aku xtahu lah kalau2 orang lain rasa, tapi..
sangat menarik.. dgn ramai gila student yang boleh dianggap sebagai golongan2 yang berjihad ke jalan Allah dengan menuntut ilmu, dan mereka2 semua menunaikan ibadat sunat dan wajib di masjid bersama2...
soo strong... it is soo indeed strong.
terasa suasana islamik sungguh lah.
Alhamdulillah.. harap2 suasana begini takkan hilang di unisel Bestari Jaya.

sahur :
ktorang serumah xready apa2 sangat.
dah la aku xboleh tido malam tu. kenapa ntah... adeh...
so, ak stay up je sampai sahur.
(semangat nak puasa kooot~)
jadi.. sahur tu, ktorg gerak Alif Firdaus a.k.a. AF (mamak paling dekat dgn unisel)
dgn ke"blur"an memilih makanan untuk sahur, ak order favourite ak kat restoran tu.
"bihun goreng dan telur mata"
DAN... mamak tu persembahkan aku dgn hidangan ini :

adoyai. pecah plak telur nye..
(dgn emosi yg agak xstabil pasal xleh tdo dan perut yang dah bergendang mcm buat ritual orang asli...)
mmg agak hangin jugak lah menerima hdangan sebegini kaaan.
tp xpe, ak makankan je. bkn nye haram pun kaan~:P

balik sahur, terus tdo.. :D

puasa hari pertama :
just nice. jadual kelas macam biasa, dgn panas Bestari Jaya..

haai.. ni SEMUA la ni nak menguji aku. hahahahaaha.

"may Allah and the force be with us all~"

the mid sem break. a little early, but meant to be.

true. betul laaa.. aku tipu buat apa. ak tgh sem break skrg. seminggu.
ntah apa criter ntah unisel. biasa disekalikan cui midsem dgn cuti raya. ni macam ni plak kaan.
(orang dah jadi warganegara biasa, xjadi mpp, macam ni lah~)
*cant forget those memories sebagai "orang penting" katanya*

so, the midsem break had started from 14th august till 22nd august
(but it is earlier for me as the lecturers and thesis supervisor dah suruh hantar macam2 assignmentsssss.. great.. JUST NICE... )

the first evening of the break is the best!
a situation happened that really makes me smile and felt like. ouh... it's been a while. :)

(perbualan telefon )
ayah : cuti start hari ni kan?
aku : haah. tp, fahmi rasa macam nak siapkan dulu sume kerje, baru nak balik. tp apa2 pun,
nanti fahmi bagitahu ayah la ea.
ayah : ok. apa2 pun, balik jangan malam2 sangat.
aku : ok ayah. nant apa2 fahmi bagitahu.

(rumah sewa)
aku : korang balik bila?
budak rumah 1 : aku balik ptg ni.
budak rumah 2 : aku xtahu lagi.
budak rumah 3 : ko mesti nak ke bangi kan?
aku : aku dah agak dah ayat ko. (dia nak tumpang punya pasal~) :P
budak rumah 3 : aku balik dgn member ak lah.

bila sume dah balik, tinggal aku sorg kat umah dgn line internet yang "the best"...
(xblh jadi ni)
agak2 pkul 6.15, aku chiaow~

blh plak hujan lebat kat tgh2 highway guthrie. sejuk xhengat.

aku : weh. mana?
angah : kat komuter pdg jawa.
aku : laaa.. balik gak ke?
angah : haah. balik r. hostel kosong. gila tol komuter ni. 4 jam dari bangi kot.
aku : jumpa d rumah. chiaow.

sampai d rumah dalam pkul 7.15 pm.
betul2 dah nak berbuka.
umi, ayah dan 2 adik perempuan ak dah siap2 kat rumah (check)
angah dah sampai rumah (check)
aku pun sampai (check)

things seems to be soo perfect.

ayah : eh, sume balik ke?? ingatkan angah xbalik. along je. (dgn muka yang sgt2 gembira)
kami : (senyum)

kami berbuka sama2 satu keluarga pada 3 ramadhan tahun ini.
melihat ayah dan umi tersenyum gembira dgn adik2 yg sure2 rindu abg2 dia.

it is meant to be maybe..

"may Allah and the force be with us all"


(selepas berbuka)
adik : umi! tgk angah ni! kacau2 adik
umi : sudah2 la tuu... ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

missing the chemistry called friends.

starting :

An introduction full of memories.

Progress :
The discussions,laughter and jokes that we couldn't miss.

Progress again :
The Chemistry that made us bind. really suit ourselves.

Progress again :
Much things happen that make us enjoy our daily routine better

Progress "again":
Modifications and progressions in every individuals made us bond... but likely to get into something bad.

Progress "again" maybe :
True colours appear (just using an acceptable word). everyone seems awkward yet trying to bond like the introduction.

Progress and progress :
formulation of chemistry is being written and bond again with new compound maybe.. perhaps..

Progress (until now):
rather walking alone....

until next time..


May Allah and the force be with us all..

Saturday, July 31, 2010

the wishlist.

I have many things queued in my wishlist.
it is not what i need, but it is just what I want. ahuh...

I want those things.. .. . .
one of them is this:

Nikon D90

ouh my.. I really wanted it.
hopefully maybe my father can give me one.
(sambil buat mata ikhlas berair-air~)


Friday, July 30, 2010

the alternatives

I am preferring blogspot as my main blog. but, sometimes,
it's easier to post short and meaningful post on tumblr.

as tumblr is like a "social + web-blog website" type, so it's like a great concept that I've been seeing into. sharing great pictures and short inspiring words.

hopefully to get to know the website more.

may Allah and the force be with us all. :)

the progress to a research plan

product development.

set in mind. this thesis is for product development.
come on. i just need some guide. where is it.
(pojie.. come on..harder and smarter la macha~)

key point :
1. ulam-ulaman tradisional malaysia.
2. jus sayur.
3. scientific juice clarification process
4. previous journals.
5. etc... :P

may Allah and the force be with us all... ;)

member kaaan.

as the life and the journey throughout the life go on, many things happen
(of course. ko ni pojie, ayat lapuk je~)
*ok, back to the topic.* :P

eksperimen : mengenali perangai manusia dengan lebih mendalam. :D

hipotesis 1 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin senang lah kita
kerana kita berkawan dengan ramai orang
hipotesis 2 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin bertambah lah
masalah kita.
hipotesis 3 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin nampak lah kita
akan kelemahan dan kekurangan diri kita sendiri.
hipotesis 4 :
semakin ramai manusia yang kita kenal, semakin sakit hati kita.

bahan dan radas:
hanya manusia. :D

kaedah :
bergantung kepada keadaan.

literature review:

kawan 1 :
weh... apsal budak tu? xboleh buat kerje sendiri ke? sume nak harap orang je?
aku :
ntah laa.. :) (senyum walaupun hati membara juga melihat nya~ )

kawan 2 :
weh, ak xtahan la dgn perangai dia tu. ak nk cakap tak, kawan aku. kang
kecik hati... xpayah la bla bla bla bla.
aku :
ada cara dia. jgn terlalu
fikir "pasal dia kawan ko sgt" kang dia makin jadi2. huu~

kawan 3 :
ko th la kan bdk2 tu pojie.. bla bla bla bla bla. ak xth lah.
aku :
dah ko th mcm tu, yg ko layan apsal?
kawan 3 :
diorg perempuan la pojie, ak kesian diorg je.
aku :
dah tu, dia pergunakan ko pun ko xksah? awak tu dah jadi macam teksi
dah. pergi kelas pun lambat. pastu nak bising2 kat aku ko pergi kelas
lambat lagi dari aku.
kawan 3 :
ntah la poji..
aku :
suka hati kau lah. ko mmg pantang org flirt skit. xpe, ak faham... :)
kawan 3:

kawan 4 :
poji, ak xth dah mcam mana nk tgur. kang tgur, sentap plak. kang cakap
ak apa lak.
aku :
ntah laa.. kalau ak, ak tgur je. ko th la mulut ak.
kawan 4 :
ak xmacam ko..
aku :

aku n friends :
bla bla bla bla (sambil bercerita pasal seseorg)
kawan 5 :
ko jgn gelak2 kan dia blh. dia baik lah. ko apa tahu pasal dia?
kawan 6 :
ko pesal lak nk backing dia ni?
aku :
yelah, dah hari2 tumpangkan dia sampai dia pun ntah kerje dia jalan ke tak ntah.
mana ko xbacking.
kawan 5 :
ko xfaham. ko nk ikut kepala ko je kan. ko suka kenekan dia.
kawan 7 :
xpe lah. ak blh je ikut kepala dia. tp ak bukan jenis semua
perempuan ak nk rembat.
kawan 5 :
korg memang.
aku :
.. . . . . . . . . . . (sape yg ikut sape ntah skrg.. huu~)

keputusan eksperimen dan kesimpulan ?
u judge it urself. :)

*tiada maksud untuk menyakiti dalam apa2 bentuk cara pun, antara yang mana2 mikroorganisma juga makroorganisma di dalam dunia ini. cuma peringatan kepada diri atas apa yang berlaku pada aku~*

aku :
aku xth lah der, ak xde lah perfect sangat. ak kalau salah aku slalu
mintak orang tegur. tapi, aku cube perbaiki diri sendiri dari semasa ek
semasa. tapi, bila ak nampak, ak cube tegur. dalam masa yg sama, ak
th, ak byk lagi perlu diperbaiki. kawan2 kaaan. ak cube.
kawan 8 :
ntah la pojie. ko bercakap dengan manusia. kalau dgn robot, lain laaah.
kawan 9 :
xpe poji, bek kita baikkan diri kita dulu. ak lagi suka hipotesis ke-3 ko.
aku :
mungkin... mungkin.. :)

May Allah and the force be with us all.